Gattaca Asia
Icon website Website
Icon location Địa chỉ
Ho Chi Minh, Binh Thanh District
Icon employee Số nhân viên
7 người
Icon Vacancies Số vị trí tuyển
0 vị trí

Công tyGattaca Asia

Giới thiệu

Gattaca is part of a group of companies operating under a decentralized model. Within this structure, Gattaca serves as a dedicated headhunting service provider for other companies in the group. As a result, we function as a 180-degree recruitment partner, focusing entirely on fulfilling recruitment needs without the requirement to seek external clients. Acting as an HR partner, we work closely with our internal clients to build their teams and address their recruitment demands effectively and professionally.

We’re technical and collaborative teams of developers empowering businesses with cutting-edge software, website, mobile, and cloud solutions for seamless growth and success.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between exceptional talent and innovative companies across various sectors, including but not limited to Vietnam and Asia.

Phúc lợi

Lương tháng 13 Lương tháng 13
Thưởng chỉ tiêu Thưởng chỉ tiêu
Đánh giá lương hàng năm Đánh giá lương hàng năm

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