Is 13th month pay a bonus? 13th month in VietNam

In many companies, receiving a 13th month pay has become an essential part of the annual income stream alongside regular monthly wages. Employees are typically paid a 13th month salary in addition to their regular monthly pay, usually towards the end of the year - near the Tet holiday. This has led to a misconception: is 13th month pay a bonus? In this article, we will delve into the details of the 13th month salary and the answer to 13th month bonus Vietnam.

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Is 13th month pay a bonus in Vietnam?

Understanding the concept of 13th month pay

13th month salary is an additional payment given to employees, typically (but not always) at the end of the year. This additional payment is made in addition to the monthly salary of employees and can be considered as part of their annual income. However, there is no official definition of the 13th month salary in labor law. Instead, the payment of the thirteenth-month salary depends on the agreement between the employee and the employer or may be specified in the internal regulations of the enterprise.

The idea of the thirteenth-month salary in Vietnam originated during tough economic times, known as the subsidy period. Organizations pooled earnings from economic plans, typically led by trade unions, to create a fund. This fund was then distributed at the end of the year to provide extra money for employees to celebrate Tết - the Lunar New Year. Over time, this has caused misunderstandings, with many people mistakenly believing that the 13th month pay is a bonus.

>>> See more: Average salary in Vietnam

Is 13th month pay a bonus? 13th month in VietNam-002

13th Month pay Vietnam is a year-end supplement often confused as a bonus

Legal regulations regarding 13th month pay in Vietnam

Does Vietnam have 13th month pay? Yes, and the payment of the 13th-month salary typically depends on agreements between employers and employees or may be outlined in internal company policies:

  • The 13th month salary is not synonymous with Tet bonuses, as they are often distinct in many enterprises, depending on their specific reward policies.

  • Employers are not obliged to pay the 13th month salary; it depends on job performance and the business's performance.

  • The 13th month salary for employees may vary and is not fixed, subject to the policies of individual enterprises and employees.

Answer: Is 13th month pay a bonus?

No, the 13th month pay is not technically classified as a bonus. It's a supplementary payment given to employees, usually at the end of the year, which may be mistaken for a bonus due to its timing. However, it's not explicitly defined as a bonus in labor laws or regulations. 

13th month pay vs other bonuses

Below is a comparison table of common types of supplementary payments that employees typically receive:


13th month Salary

Holiday Bonuses

Achievement Bonuses

Birthday Bonuses


End of the year

During holidays


Employee's birthday


Enhances annual income

Supports holiday expenses and adds joy to festivities

Motivates and recognizes individual or team achievements

Provides a special feeling and motivation for the employee


Depends on company policies

Depends on company policies

Depends on work performance and achievements

Depends on company policies


Once a year

Once per holiday season

Varies based on work performance

Once a year, on the employee's birthday

Calculation Method

Typically based on annual income or company regulations

Usually based on business results, profits, or company regulations

Based on individual or team performance evaluations

Usually a small, fixed amount or based on company policies


Is 13th month pay a bonus? 13th month in VietNam-003

The thirteenth-month salary helps motivate employees

Calculation and payment of 13th month pay

The 13th month salary helps motivate employees and boost morale by providing an additional financial incentive. As per Article 104 of Labor Law No. 45/2019/QH14, companies are not required to provide the 13 month salary, and there are no specific regulations on how it should be calculated. Therefore, it's up to each company to decide whether to provide it and how to calculate it. Two common methods used are:

Calculating based on the average monthly salary:

  • For employees who have worked for 12 months or more:

13th month salary = Average monthly salary over 12 months

  • For employees who have worked for less than 12 months: 

13th month salary 

= Number of months worked in the year12 x Average monthly salary during the period worked


Calculating based on the salary of the twelfth month:

13th month salary = Salary of the 12th-month


Is 13th month pay a bonus? 13th month in VietNam-004

How to calculate 13th month pay?

Common misconceptions about Vietnam 13th month salary

Understanding these misconceptions can help employees and employers navigate discussions and expectations regarding the 13th month pay more accurately:

  • It's Guaranteed by Law?

=> Is 13th month bonus compulsory in Vietnam? Many people mistakenly believe that the 13th month pay is required by law, but in reality, it's not mandated by labor regulations. Whether an employer provides it or not depends on company policies and agreements.

>>> See more: Vietnam labour law

  • It's the Same as Holiday Bonuses?

=> There's often confusion between the 13th month pay and holiday bonuses. While they might coincide in timing, they serve different purposes and are not necessarily the same thing.

  • It's a Bonus?

=> While the 13th month pay is often seen as an extra bonus, it's actually considered a supplementary payment given to employees. It's an additional month's pay distributed at the end of the year.

  • It's Fixed for Everyone?

=> There's a misconception that the 13th month pay is a fixed amount for all employees. In reality, it can vary depending on factors such as length of service, performance, and company policies.

  • It's Tax-Free?

=> Is bonus taxable in Vietnam? Some may assume that the 13th month bonus is exempt from taxes because “It is a bonus”, but it's subject to the same taxation as regular income, depending on local tax laws and regulations.

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There are many misconceptions about 13th month pay

The role of 13th month pay in the Vietnamese labor market

Paying the 13th month salary significantly impacts the labor market:

  • Firstly, it serves as a valuable tool to attract and retain talented employees. Recognition through receiving additional income at the end of the year can stimulate employees' work morale and commitment. 

  • Additionally, the 13th month salary can also promote individuals' personal and professional development. It's not just a bonus, but also a manifestation of fairness and recognition from the employer

  • Moreover, receiving extra income at the end of the year can boost consumption and contribute to the local economic recovery. 

  • Finally, the 13th month salary plays a role in maintaining economic and social stability by alleviating financial pressure on households and fostering a more positive business and social environment.

Is 13th month pay a bonus? While many businesses perceive it as an employee reward, in reality, the 13th month salary reflects a portion of the employee's annual income. In some cases, it is part of the company's welfare policy, used to incentivize and reward employee dedication. It can be seen that labor laws in Vietnam are relatively complex. Therefore, collaborating with headhunters like Aniday is crucial!

>>> See more: Top 10 Headhunter in Vietnam