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Jakartar, Indonesia
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200+ person
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0 vacancy


About US

AwanTunai is an award-winning, VC-backed financial technology company revolutionizing Indonesia's FMCG supply chain.

AwanTunai is a point of sale financing solution aimed at digitizing Indonesia’s vast cash economy. AwanTunai builds digital distribution to thousands of micro-retail merchants who can then access working capital as well as accept payment from AwanTunai consumer credit. The financially inclusive startup also issues mobile-based consumer credit, serving the 100 million Indonesians unable to access banking products. This way, AwanTunai provides a holistic financing solution for micro-merchants. Working capital for grocery stores, motorcycle repair garages, electronic retailers, pharmacies, and other micro merchants catering to everyday household needs as well as consumer financing for these merchant’s customers to help increase retail sales.


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