What is Cybersecurity? Overview of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity involves protecting systems, networks, and data on the internet from threats, attacks, and illegal intrusions. Therefore, cybersecurity is of utmost importance in the digital age. Let's find out together If you are also curious about what cybersecurity is and want to learn more about this field.

The Importance of cybersecurity

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Cybersecurity plays a vital role in society. Source: VOV

In the current era, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated.

1. Preventing and Minimizing Losses

  • cybersecurity helps prevent and mitigate risks from cyberattacks, such as stolen data, money, reputation, and even jobs
  • Disruption or destruction of critical systems like electricity, transportation, or national security and defense

2. Maintaining Regulatory Compliance

Individuals, organizations, and countries must adhere to cybersecurity regulations issued by competent authorities, such as personal data protection laws, cybersecurity laws, or information security standards. 

Violating these regulations can result in severe legal consequences, ranging from fines to bans and criminal prosecution. Cybersecurity ensures compliance by implementing appropriate security policies and procedures.

3. Protecting Information from Cyber Threats

Information, whether related to identity, accounts, finances, preferences, health, business, or strategic and security secrets, is an invaluable asset to individuals, organizations, and countries. 

Cybersecurity safeguards this information from cyber threats by employing encryption, backup, recovery, and access control technologies and techniques.

What Threats Can Cybersecurity Protect Information From?

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Cyber threats that cybersecurity can prevent. Source: Vietnam Social Insurance

In addition to understanding what cybersecurity is, it's essential to be aware of current cyber threats:


These are computer programs designed to infiltrate, take control of, steal, destroy, or disrupt systems, networks, and data. Examples include viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, or ransomware.


This is a special type of malware capable of encrypting victims' data and demanding a ransom for decryption. Ransomware can target individuals, organizations, or even government agencies, causing significant financial and operational losses.


These are deceptive acts that exploit users' trust or ignorance to obtain money, personal information, or online accounts. Examples include phishing, spoofing, scamming, or identity theft.

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)

DDoS attacks aim to overload systems, networks, or online services, rendering them unable to operate normally. Attackers typically use malware-infected computers to send millions of fake requests to target servers, preventing them from processing legitimate requests.

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks 

These cyberattacks interfere with the information transmission process between sending and receiving parties. Attackers can eavesdrop, intercept, copy, or modify information during this process. Examples include man-in-the-middle attacks, man-in-the-browser attacks, or replay attacks.

Internal Risks

Internal risks stem from incidents, errors, or intentional actions by employees, collaborators, or anyone with access to an organization's systems, networks, and data. Internal risks can be just as damaging as external attacks.

Operational Process of cybersecurity

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Cybersecurity follows a clear and effective operating process. Source: People's Newspaper

Cybersecurity operates through a five-step process:

  • Identify: Identify digital assets to protect, potential threats, and appropriate security requirements.
  • Protect: Implement security measures to prevent or minimize the possibility of attacker intrusion, including updating software, installing firewalls, applying security policies, educating users, and using encryption.
  • Detect: Monitor and analyze system, network, and data activities to detect early signs of attacks or unusual intrusions.
  • Respond: Respond to ongoing attacks, attempt to prevent or minimize damage, determine the origin and methods of the attacker, collect evidence, and report to the authorities.
  • Recover: Repair the damage caused by the attack, restore normal system, network, and data operations, and improve security measures to prevent or defend against similar attacks in the future.

Cybersecurity Technology

After learning about what cybersecurity is and the associated threats, let's explore some technologies used in cybersecurity:

Zero Trust

This principle involves not trusting anyone or anything outside predetermined boundaries. It requires continuous authentication and authorization of all users, devices, and applications accessing systems, networks, and data, minimizing the risk of account theft, device infection, or application exploitation.

Behavioral Analysis

This technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze user, device, and application behaviors across systems, networks, and data. Behavioral analysis helps detect unusual activities, assess danger levels, and issue appropriate warnings or actions.

Intrusion Detection Systems

These systems use rules, signatures, or machine learning to detect cyberattacks. They can be active (IDS) or passive (IPS). IDS provides detection and warning functions, while IPS can block or disconnect malicious connections.

Cloud Encryption

Cloud encryption employs encryption algorithms to protect data stored or transmitted in the cloud, preventing unauthorized access or data theft from cloud service providers, attackers, or third parties.

Operational Strategy of cybersecurity

To implement cybersecurity effectively, you need a comprehensive strategy that coordinates three main elements: human resources, processes, and technology.

Human Resources

Individuals responsible for designing, implementing, operating, monitoring, and preventing cyberattacks should possess knowledge, skills, and a professional attitude in the field of cybersecurity. They should undergo periodic training, updates, and inspections to enhance their capabilities and responsiveness.


These are predetermined action steps that ensure cybersecurity. The process includes stages like risk analysis, policy and standard establishment, solution deployment, effectiveness testing and evaluation, troubleshooting, and continuous improvement to align with real-world scenarios.


Technology encompasses devices, software, services, and systems that support cybersecurity. It includes firewalls, encryption, digital signatures, antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, data backup and recovery solutions, and management tools. Proper selection, configuration, updates, and maintenance of technology are crucial for effective operation.

In conclusion, after delving into the intricacies of cybersecurity and its vital role in safeguarding our digital world, Aniday has provided you a comprehensive understanding of what is cybersecurity