Tips for Background Checks in Job Hunting

Recently, the autumn recruitment season has gradually come to an end. I believe that many international students have already received job offers. But does getting a job offer mean you're safe? Does getting a job offer guarantee a smooth path in life? 

Does getting a job offer mean you can relax every day? No, you still need to pass one more test - a background check by the employer. Today, let's talk about background checks.

What is an Employer Background Check?

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Usually, after HR issues job offers to candidates, they will notify the candidates to undergo a background check. Upon receiving the candidate's permission, either HR or a third-party agency will verify the candidate's background information and supporting documentation. 

For international students seeking jobs in their home country, background checks primarily include educational verification (degrees, honors, certificates), internship certificates, project achievements, and social background checks (credit history, business records, criminal records), among others.

Can I Refuse a Background Check?

In theory, you can, but in practice, refusing a background check may lead HR to suspect that the materials provided are false, which could result in losing the opportunity. Employer background checks are typically not used for improper purposes, nor do they infringe on a candidate's privacy. 

There's no need to worry; you can choose to accept and proceed through the process. However, be cautious of any non-compliant employer actions and protect your rights.

Do I Need to Prepare Materials in Advance for the Background Check?

Absolutely! This is especially true for international students returning to their home country for employment. Due to various reasons, you may face challenges such as universities not responding to emails or difficulties in obtaining degree verifications. Therefore, you should collect relevant documents before returning to your home country. 

These documents may include but are not limited to:

  • Documents Required for Degree Verification for Returning International Students

    • Diploma certificates

    • Passport/travel permit/identity card

    • Residence card/visa/stamps

    • ID photos

    • Authorization statements

  • Other documents

    • Skills certificates

    • Language proficiency certificates for the respective countries

    • Professional qualification examination transcripts

    • Internship certificates/project experience certificates

You should note that the process for degree verification for returning international students may take some time. To avoid any impact on your job offer, you can start this process when you receive your diploma certificate. If, for any reason, you cannot obtain the necessary educational verification documents before your start date, please contact HR immediately and provide the relevant information.

How Should I Handle an Employer Background Check?

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First, background checks are usually a supplementary process aimed at verifying the authenticity and reliability of a candidate's materials, helping companies mitigate risks. Job seekers should approach background checks with a positive attitude and cooperate with the employer, as long as their materials are truthful. Generally, passing the background check should be straightforward.

However, candidates should remember: never fabricate or exaggerate information on your resume, try to prepare all materials before returning to your home country, and communicate with your internship companies and project supervisors in advance (they may be contacted by phone or email).

How to Follow Up After a Background Check?

After an employer conducts a background check on you, you may be wondering what to do next. 

Here are some steps to follow up after a background check:


  • Wait patiently:

Depending on the type and extent of the background check, it may take from a few days to a few weeks for the employer to complete it and make a decision. Don’t call or email the employer too frequently or too soon, as this may seem desperate or annoying. Instead, wait for the employer to contact you with the results or an update.

  • Respond promptly:

If the employer contacts you with a job offer, congratulations! You have passed the background check and secured the job. Respond to the offer as soon as possible, and express your gratitude and excitement. 

If the employer contacts you with a request for more information, clarification, or documentation, don’t panic or ignore it. This may mean that the employer has found some discrepancies or issues in your background check, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have failed or lost the job. Respond to the request promptly and politely, and provide the necessary information or explanation. 

If the employer contacts you with a rejection, don’t take it personally or harshly. Thank the employer for the opportunity and ask for feedback on how you can improve your chances in the future.

How to Use Background Checks to Your Advantage in Job Hunting?

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Background checks may seem like a hurdle or a threat in your job hunting process, but they can also be an opportunity and a tool to showcase your skills and personality. Here are some ways to use background checks to your advantage in job hunting:

  • Build your personal brand

A background check is not only a verification of your facts and figures, but also a reflection of your image and reputation. You can use your online presence, such as your social media profiles, blogs, portfolios, and reviews, to create a positive and professional impression of yourself. 

You can also use your offline network, such as your former employers, colleagues, mentors, and friends, to provide positive and credible references and testimonials for you. Make sure that your online and offline presence are consistent and aligned with your resume and application, and that they highlight your achievements, values, and goals.

  • Showcase your fit and potential

A background check is not only a check of your past and present, but also a glimpse of your future. You can use your background check to demonstrate how you fit the culture and vision of the organization, and how you can contribute to its growth and success. You can also use your background check to show your potential and readiness for the job, and how you can overcome any challenges or gaps in your background. For example, if you have a criminal record, you can show how you have rehabilitated yourself and acquired new skills and qualifications. If you have a low credit score, you can show how you have managed your finances and improved your credit history.

  • Negotiate your terms and benefits

A background check is not only a screening of your eligibility and suitability, but also a validation of your value and worth. You can use your background check to negotiate your salary, benefits, and other terms of employment, based on your skills, experience, and achievements. You can also use your background check to leverage your other job offers, if you have any, and to compare and contrast the pros and cons of each employer. However, be careful not to overstate or exaggerate your demands, or to be rude or arrogant. Be realistic and respectful, and aim for a win-win situation for both you and the employer.

In Summary

In the competitive world of job hunting, background checks are a crucial step that can make or break your career prospects. It's essential to approach these checks with honesty and thorough preparation. 

By ensuring your documents are in order and maintaining a positive attitude, you can pass the background check process with ease. Remember, it's not just a validation of your qualifications but also an opportunity to showcase your personal brand, fit, and potential to potential employers. Use background checks to your advantage, negotiate terms wisely, and build a strong foundation for your future career success.