Tips for 5 Common Questions in Job Interview

Many students, after receiving an interview invitation from their desired employer, hope to make a strong impression, ideally getting an offer on the spot. This way, they can save time and energy for preparing for other interviews and put their minds at ease.

So, how can you prepare to become an "interview champion"? What are the common questions in job interviews you should be aware of?

Question 1: Self-Introduction

 Tips for 5 Common Questions in Job Interview -001

In many cases, interviewers start evaluating our resumes during the interview. They use our self-introduction time to look at our resumes and may also introduce questions based on our self-introduction. Despite having submitted our resumes beforehand, we can't assume that the interviewer already knows about us.

It's worth noting that, generally, self-introduction is the first question. As the saying goes, "First impressions are important," and this applies in interviews as well. Therefore, we need to practice our self-introduction thoroughly to ensure it flows naturally.

Response Approach: (Opening Greetings) + Basic Information + Brief Overview of Relevant Work Experience + Reasons for Applying for the Position + Gratitude.

Tips: When introducing yourself, many students tend to talk at length about their past achievements. However, HR is more concerned with whether your past experiences are relevant to the position you're applying for. Generally, mentioning 2 to 3 key highlights is sufficient. Avoid rambling so that the HR personnel can easily identify the key points.

Question 2: Weaknesses

It's important to note that some weaknesses may conflict with the characteristics required for the position you're applying for. Many students, when asked about their weaknesses, candidly express their flaws, believing that honesty about any weakness is not a problem.

For example, when interviewing for an accounting position, stating that your weakness is being careless is a direct contradiction to one of the essential qualities for accountants, which is attentiveness. Such a response may lead to missing out on your dream job offer.

Some students might take the opposite approach and mention "weaknesses" that sound like strengths. For instance, when interviewing for an accounting position, saying that your weakness is being overly serious may make the interviewer think you're insincere and not the best choice.

Response Approach: Briefly state your weakness + (specific example) + improvement plan (which may be in progress).

Here, you can choose weaknesses that do not conflict with the job requirements and plan ahead on how to address them.

Tips: When discussing weaknesses, it's essential to adhere to the principle of honesty. Avoid making up weaknesses. Instead, share genuine weaknesses that do not conflict with the characteristics required for the position. Honesty is a valuable plus point in interviews because everyone has weaknesses, and HR understands that.

Question 3: Overtime

Of course, there are industries where overtime is unavoidable, such as the internet industry. When an interviewer asks, "Are you willing to work overtime?" it doesn't necessarily mean that the company will definitely require overtime. It may be a way of gauging your attitude toward work.

Response Approach: "No problem, I can work overtime" + self-efficiency to avoid overtime + willingness to work when necessary.

First, we need to express our willingness to work overtime and not be averse to it.

Next, we should emphasize that it's not because of low efficiency or inadequate skills that we would need to work overtime. We commit to efficiently and effectively completing our tasks within regular working hours.

Lastly, reaffirm that you are willing to work overtime when needed. If a project is urgent or if there are external factors causing delays, you are ready to work overtime.

Tips: The overtime question indirectly assesses your work attitude and efficiency. Answering this question well can highlight your time management skills and strong work performance.

Question 4: Career Planning

This is a high-frequency question that you must prepare for in advance. As a newcomer to the workforce, you may not have thoroughly considered your future career.

Response Approach: Combine the job and your actual situation + short-term/mid-term/long-term planning + express confidence in the company and industry.

First, demonstrate your alignment with the position and express clarity about your own profile.

Lastly, express a positive view of the company's prospects and industry development and hope to grow within the same company.

Tips: This question assesses not only your self-awareness but also your stability for the future. Be sure to convey your willingness to work for the company long-term.

Question 5: Salary

Response Approach: Understand the market + determine your position in the market + ask about the company's salary structure.      

When asked about expected salary, many candidates often feel lost and don't know how to respond. If your answer is too high, will you miss out on a company you like? If it's too low, will you undervalue yourself?

Before going for an interview, research the market salary range. Then, based on your self-assessment, align with the market salary range. This way, you'll have a reasonable salary range in mind.

Additionally, many companies have their own fixed salary structures. So, you can inquire about whether there is room to negotiate the salary.

Tips: Salary discussions typically happen at a later stage, so avoid immediately asking for your desired salary when starting the conversation. When discussing salary, it's not necessary to provide a specific figure; a range is usually sufficient.

In Summary

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation and responses to common questions, you can position yourself as an interview champion. Remember, honesty, self-awareness, and a positive attitude are your allies. Best of luck in your quest to secure the job offers you desire. We hope these guide of common question in job interview is useful as you go about your job interviews.