The Most Popular Companies for Returned Overseas Students

Finding a job is a common experience for all of us. During job interviews, some of us may have faced failures. In recent years, there has been significant attention given to "returned overseas students". So, which companies do they prefer the most? Now, in this blog post let Aniday share with you the companies that are most popular among returned overseas graduates.

If you've not only studied abroad but also gained practical experience, such as working for well-known companies in a foreign country for one or two years after graduation, then this work experience can compensate for the disadvantage of being disconnected from the domestic environment. If you only have work experience from abroad and no domestic work experience, it might put you at a slight disadvantage. However, if you have domestic work experience along with a good educational background, even though your starting point after returning to Vietnam might not be exceptionally high, companies will see potential in you, and you may progress faster than the average person. If you have worked in Vietnam for several years, pursued further studies abroad, and returned in a managerial capacity, then companies will set a high bar for you.

Which Companies Favours Returned Overseas Students 

Many people believe that multinational companies prefer those who have returned from overseas. In reality, is it really that straightforward?

Multinational Coporations (MNC)

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Firstly, multinational companies are focused on cost reduction. Most of the top management in these companies were once "returned overseas students" or purely foreign individuals. However, to lower costs and localize, these companies are transitioning from being led by "purely foreign" executives to hiring local talents. 

Secondly, although returned overseas students have spent time abroad, multinational companies already have internationalized themselves by having branches overseas. Therefore, there's no specific demand for returned overseas students who have studied abroad.

Private Enterprises

Nowadays, private enterprises are the ones showing a preference for "returned overseas graduates." In the past, private enterprises showed little interest in returned overseas students. However, now many foreign-funded companies don't have an urgent need for "returned overseas graduates," and "returned overseas graduates" are considering joining private companies for a second time. Private companies are not particularly concerned about costs, and their policies are more flexible. If the boss appreciates you, your salary could be many times higher than that of an average person.

Positions with High Paying Salaries

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In summary, for senior positions such as directors, the return of "returned overseas graduates" will rank higher than local talents. Employers often specify in their job requirements that their executives must have overseas experience. Once they find their target, companies are willing to invest in them. However, for regular job positions, because companies don't have this specific demand, being a "returned overseas graduate" doesn't provide any advantage. For example, if a company is hiring an assistant and they require a few years of work experience after graduation, they won't necessarily offer you a higher salary simply because you've returned from overseas. On the contrary, companies may have concerns: "Why do you, with such a good background, apply for this position? Aren't you planning to use this as a stepping stone?"

Education Level In Relation to Income Level

In general, the higher your education level, the higher your income. Those with advanced degrees earn an average annual income of approximately US$130k compared to those with lower degrees. Among those with higher education, individuals with a master's degree earn more on average than those with a doctoral degree. Language proficiency is the greatest advantage for "returned overseas students." Foreign language skills still have a significant impact on personal income. The stronger your language skills, the more competitive you become in terms of salary.

Value of Returned Overseas Students 

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In the past, overseas education was considered "scarce and expensive." Nowadays, as long as you have the financial means, you have the opportunity to study abroad. As a result, some "returned overseas graduates" have little value. Previously, overseas education was seen as "gilding" oneself, but it could either be gold or copper plating. Going abroad for education is an investment in future employment, and this investment carries significant risks. "Returned overseas graduates" must endure the market's test and don't have the privilege of "guaranteed employment." If they miss the right timing or lack essential knowledge and skills that are in demand, their "investment" might fail.

For all of Southeast Asia, the current supply of returned overseas students is not excessive but is still insufficient. However, many returned overseas students primarily focus on major cities like Singapore or Ho Chi Minh City. However, can you really find a job that easily in these big cities?

Final Thoughts

So, what's the deal with job hunting for returned overseas students? It's a bit of a mixed bag, really. Work experience, industry demand, and your level of education all come into play.

Surprisingly, it's not always the big multinational corporations that are head over heels for these folks. Private enterprises are showing some love nowadays, and they're willing to break out the big bucks if they like you. But here's the catch: it's not all smooth sailing. The value of overseas education isn't what it used to be. You've got to stay adaptable and meet the ever-changing market demands.