How to Win the Group Interview with Communication Skills

If you are applying for a job position in the internet industry, chances are you will face a group interview without a leader. This is a common way for employers to assess your communication skills, which are essential for daily operations work.

In this blog post, I will share with you some tips and tricks on how to communicate effectively in a group interview and impress the interviewer. You will learn what a group interview without a leader is, why it is important, and how to use different expression modes, logical structures, and questioning and interrupting skills to stand out from the crowd.

What is a group interview without a leader?

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A group interview without a leader is a type of interview where several candidates are given a topic or a problem to discuss as a team. There is no designated leader or moderator, and the interviewer observes the candidates’ performance from the side.

The purpose of this interview is to evaluate the candidates’ logical thinking, communication ability, teamwork spirit, and problem-solving skills. The interviewer wants to see how well you can work with others, express your ideas, listen to feedback, and reach a consensus. The topic or problem can be related to the job position, the company, or the industry. 

For example, you may be asked to design a marketing campaign for a new product, analyze the user behavior data of an app, or propose solutions for a customer service issue.

How to Communicate Effectively in a Group Interview?

Communication is the key to success in a group interview. You need to express your ideas clearly, persuade others to agree with you, and stimulate them to take action.

Here are some communication skills that you can use in a group interview:

1. Expression mode

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There are three types of expression modes: informing information, persuading opinions, and stimulating actions.

Informing Informaion

Informing information is the foundation of communication. It involves sharing objective facts or situations without any personal bias. This is crucial in setting the context for the discussion. 

For instance, if you’re discussing how to increase user retention for an app, you might start by sharing data about current user behavior, industry standards, or research findings. This helps everyone in the group to have a common understanding of the situation. 

Persuading Opinions

Once the context is set with informing information, the next step is persuading opinions. This involves advocating for a particular point of view or course of action. The key here is to emphasize the advantages or benefits of your perspective. 

For example, if you believe that incorporating gamification elements can enhance user engagement and loyalty, you would highlight studies showing the effectiveness of gamification, or perhaps draw on successful examples from other apps. The goal is to convince others to see things from your perspective.

Stimulating Actions

The final step in this communication progression is stimulating actions. This goes beyond just sharing information and opinions; it’s about inspiring others to take concrete steps or actions based on your suggestions. For example, you might propose a brainstorming session to come up with potential gamification features for the app. By doing so, you’re not just talking about ideas; you’re driving the group towards making those ideas a reality.

These three expression modes are progressive and interconnected. You start with informing information to set the context, use persuading opinions to advocate for your ideas, and finally stimulate actions to drive those ideas forward. The most effective communicators are those who can skillfully navigate through these three modes, adapting their approach based on the needs of the discussion and the responses of their peers.

2. ERS logical expression

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ERS stands for elaboration, emphasis, and persuasion. It is a useful tool to structure your expression logically and effectively.


Elaboration is the first step in the ERS method. It involves providing a detailed explanation of your idea, including its background, motivation, environment, or arguments. This is where you lay the groundwork for your idea and provide context for your listeners. For instance, if you’re proposing the use of gamification in non-game contexts, you might explain what gamification is, why it’s beneficial, and how it’s been used successfully in other contexts. The goal of elaboration is to ensure that your listeners have a clear and comprehensive understanding of your idea.


Once you’ve elaborated on your idea, the next step is emphasis. This involves highlighting the benefits, consequences, or opinions related to your idea. You’re not just stating facts here; you’re actively promoting the positive aspects of your idea and explaining why it’s worth considering. For example, you might emphasize how gamification can increase user retention by creating a sense of achievement, competition, and social interaction. The goal of emphasis is to make your idea more appealing and persuasive to your listeners.


The final step in the ERS method is persuasion. This goes beyond simply explaining and emphasizing your idea; it’s about inspiring action. You’re suggesting what the listeners should do next based on your idea. For instance, you might propose adding a leaderboard, badges, and challenges to an app as part of a gamification strategy. The goal of persuasion is to motivate your listeners to take action and implement your idea.

In summary, the ERS method is a powerful tool for structuring your expression in a logical and effective manner. By elaborating on your idea, emphasizing its benefits, and persuading your listeners to take action, you can present your idea clearly and convincingly.

3. Questioning and interrupting

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Questioning and interrupting are two other communication skills that you can use in a group interview.

Questioning means asking questions to guide or solicit feedback from others. For example, “What do you think of my idea?” or “Do you have any suggestions on how to improve it?”

Questioning can help you stimulate others’ thinking, show your interest and respect, and incorporate their opinions into your idea.

Interrupting means cutting off someone’s speech politely and appropriately. For example, “Sorry to interrupt, but I think we are running out of time.” or “Excuse me, but I have to disagree with you on that point.”

Interrupting can help you control the pace and direction of the discussion, avoid irrelevant or incorrect information, and express your own views.

However, you should be careful not to overuse questioning and interrupting, as they may annoy or offend others. You should always use empathy and courtesy when using these skills.

Final Thoughts

Communication skills are vital for operations positions and group interviews. By using expression modes, ERS logical expression, questioning and interrupting skills, you can communicate effectively in a group interview and stand out from the crowd.