Best Tips for Choosing Roles in Group Interviews

Nowadays, group interview has become one of the most common interview methods, and this method can better hire high-quality staff. So how to choose a group role? What should I pay attention to during the group? In this blog, Aniday will be telling you what to look our for and how you can stand out in a group interview setting. 

What is Group Interview

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Non-leader group discussion refers to a temporary working group of candidates to discuss a given problem and make decisions. Because this group is a temporary patchwork, it does not specify who is in charge. The purpose is to examine the performance of the examinee, especially who will stand out from it, but it is not necessary to become a leader, because it requires real ability and confidence, and full certainty.

What Should I Pay Attention to During a Group Interview

  1. If this person is my colleague in the future, will I be willing to cooperate with him? Will I give him a task? Will I let him lead a team? What is the working attitude and thinking of this person?

  2. Group Interview is not for show. You need to know where your position is and choose the role of the group according to your own characteristics. If you are originally a very creative person, but you want to be a leader to build a framework; if you love public speaking, you must be a presenter, that’s not the way around it.

  3. At the same time, you also need to better understand different types of people, because the biggest charm of the group is that you never know whether you are a divine teammate or a pig teammate. When you have a card in your hand, there will be different combinations. How to play the best cards in your hand also needs to be considered.

  4. Don't be in a group interview for the sake of it. Never forget who your audience is, what he wants to hear most, why he wants to hold this group, and what his purpose is.

How to Choose Your Role in Group Interviews 

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  1. Leader

Need to say more, in fact, you are required to have a team leadership ability and lead the whole team to have a very excellent conclusion. You need your classmates to have a leadership temperament and have their own leadership aura. They know how to take care of each student to speak and make the whole team work in harmony. If you have this kind of aura, it is recommended to choose this role. Generally speaking, if the conclusion is good, it is easy to enter the second face.

  1. TIme Manager

As the name implies, students are required to have strong time management ability, and students are required to control their time during the discussion process and remind them at the appropriate time, so that students can produce an excellent conclusion at the right time. If you have a strong ability to control time, you can choose this role. The whole team is organised, and in general, you can also enter the second side.

  1. Idea Proposer

This kind of students are generally students who have a good understanding of the topic, can perform well on the field, can often put forward very insightful ideas, and can reverse the discussion situation. But you need to be very familiar with the topic and have your own opinion. The success rate of entering the second side is also extremely high.

  1. Recorder

This role requires students to have good record and summary ability. After everyone's speech, they can summarise everyone's answers well, with clear organisation, no omission, and strong shorthand ability. Generally, it is suitable for more quiet girls. Or sometimes the leader will take over.

  1. Presenter

The role of the presenter is generally played by the recorder, because the recorder has a comprehensive understanding of the whole discussion and can be well stated. If the final statement is good, it is also very likely to enter the second round of interviews.

What if I Can’t Get the Role of the Leader

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If the leader's ability is okay, then always follow the leader's rhythm and follow the discussion framework and main line set by the leader to make suggestions.

If the leader's ability is not good, he should boldly take the initiative to discuss the topic and framework, and help the leader maintain the main line of discussion, but don't make his own contribution.

The role of the group is actually not very rigid, but there are basically the following five roles: leader, time keeper, collaborator, proposer, presenter/summerizer/reporter. As an interviewee, you must choose according to your own personality and advantages. Choosing well is the key to your success. But don't compete for roles on the field.

In a Nutshell

In a group interview, remember, it's about being yourself and choosing a role that feels right. Whether you lead, manage time, propose ideas, record, or present, the key is to make a meaningful contribution, not compete for roles. So, go out there, be authentic, and stand out!