How to Build a Strategic Talent Sourcing Strategy

Modern companies prioritize effective recruitment, recognizing its importance, yet they also find it to be a significant challenge. The shift towards Millennials and Generation Z as the workforce backbone underscores the need for precise hiring. In this context, Aniday highlights provide practical tips on how to build a strategic talent sourcing strategy in your pursuit of ideal candidates.

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What is Candidate Sourcing?

Talent sourcing is the process recruiters and hiring managers use to find potential candidates long before reviewing resumes or scheduling interviews. It involves identifying, generating, locating, researching, and networking to build a candidate pipeline. 

The method you choose, whether through traditional or online channels, networking, or employee referrals, depends on your industry and corporate culture.

The Talent Sourcing Process

Talent sourcing is one of the three fundamental approaches to hiring. Familiarity with the sourcing process ensures you're well-prepared, avoiding last-minute rushes. Let's explore the typical sourcing process you can implement.

1. Crafting the Job Description

Initiating any applicant sourcing process should commence with the job description. It's beneficial for HR to establish standardized descriptions for all company positions, ensuring easy access to information when new openings arise.

A comprehensive job description should encompass:

  • Job expectations

  • Skill prerequisites

  • Soft skills

Collaborating with department managers to refine job descriptions for common positions enables a swift response when new job opportunities emerge.

2. Defining the Perfect Personality

In addition to the job description, it's essential to grasp the ideal persona that will thrive in this role and department. Begin by aiming high: envision the dream candidate for the position. 

  • What unique qualities will they bring? 

  • How can their prior experience help them excel? 

It's also crucial to consider the corporate culture to ensure a seamless fit with the current team. A company should also give special attention to its employer brand, which is the means to convey a positive company image and reputation, enticing quality candidates to apply.


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3. Sourcing Candidates

After defining the job requirements and the ideal candidate profile, the next step is candidate sourcing. This can involve building a candidate pool, advertising the job, or networking.

Efficiently managing this process requires using technology like an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or a Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) to organize and process potential candidates. These tools save time and resources by tapping into existing databases.

With experience, you'll become more proficient in the sourcing process. Some companies choose to outsource this task to agencies or workforce management solutions to streamline the process and refocus their time on core business activities.

Build a Talent Sourcing Strategies

When it comes to finding potential job candidates, various channels and pipelines are at your disposal, some of which may be closer than you think. It can be beneficial to have concrete examples of where to focus your search when the need arises. Here are several recruitment sourcing strategies to contemplate.

Consult the Hiring Manager

Before launching your outreach efforts, have a follow-up discussion with the hiring manager to ensure alignment. Verify that the manager's expectations remain unchanged. Utilize the original job description and pose specific questions to clarify any modifications.

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Utilize Your ATS

Once you've identified the required skills and qualifications, turn to your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). While you may have previously sourced the ideal candidate, a refresher is essential. Your ATS enables keyword searches based on the hiring manager's criteria and necessary skills.

Explore Diverse Online Channels

When seeking new potential candidates, don't limit yourself to a few online platforms like LinkedIn. Dig deeper and explore various websites where the desired talent congregates. Expand your online search beyond the usual job boards.

Network at In-Person Events

In-person networking remains a valuable method for discovering top talent. Opportunities to connect can arise anywhere, from everyday situations like waiting in line at the bank to industry-specific events attended by professionals possessing the sought-after skills. Some recruiters find job fairs particularly useful for identifying individuals with relevant experience.


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Leverage Employee Networks

Current employees can be a valuable source of fresh talent. Employee referral programs, which reward employees for successful referrals who are hired and remain with the company, have a track record of success.

Consider Targeting Passive Candidates

Certain positions may benefit from targeting passive candidates—those who aren't actively seeking new job opportunities. With the right approach and enticing incentives, they may be open to considering a change.

Enhance Your Employer Brand Engagement

Focusing on your employer brand is essential for attracting top talent. It serves as a window into your organization's working culture. Strengthen your positive reputation and engage with potential talent through social media interactions to attract their interest.


In a highly competitive job market where top candidates are in great demand, a strategic approach is essential to secure them for your team. When vying for premium talent, you must actively seek out the caliber of candidates required for your organization's success. Rercuitery hopes this article has given you practical insights on how to build a strategic talent sourcing strategy to populate your talent pool with qualified individuals.