How Returning Students Find a Job Without Internship Experience?

In fact, it is very difficult to find a job without work and internship experience. In recent years, due to the increasing number of overseas students, overseas academic qualifications are still rare, but only those who focus on academic qualifications and campus experience, and there are not many school recruitment opportunities left to recruit fresh graduates. 

Aniday suggests that when you don't have enough time, or when you can't accumulate a lot of internship experience, you should start from other aspects and stand out from many competitors.

Understanding the Vietnamese Job Market

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Vietnam’s job market is a vibrant and rapidly evolving landscape. As one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, it offers a wealth of opportunities across various sectors. The country has seen significant growth in industries such as information technology, manufacturing, retail, and tourism.

In the IT sector, for instance, Vietnam has become a major hub for software development and outsourcing. Companies like Intel, IBM, and Samsung have set up operations in the country, creating numerous job opportunities.

The manufacturing sector, particularly electronics and textiles, is also a major employer. Many multinational corporations have established factories in Vietnam due to its strategic location, abundant workforce, and favorable government policies.

Retail and tourism are other sectors that have seen substantial growth in recent years. With a growing middle class and an increase in foreign tourists, there are numerous job opportunities in these sectors as well.

However, it’s important to note that the job market in Vietnam is competitive. Having a good understanding of the local culture, language skills (particularly English), and relevant work experience can give you an edge over other candidates.

International Students Edge when Finding a Job

When looking for a job, students may find that some companies in Vietnam have a preference for candidates with international experience. Generally, multinational corporations in Vietnam, such as Nestlé, Unilever, and the Big Four (Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PwC) accounting firms, place a high value on English proficiency and a global perspective. 

Their employees typically have education or work experience from abroad. In recent years, domestic tech companies like VNG, Tiki, and FPT Corporation have also shown increased interest in international students from prestigious foreign universities, as these companies value the global outlook and multicultural background these students bring. 

It's not merely the status of being an international student that makes them attractive to recruiters, but the broader life experience and perspective that comes from studying abroad. This not only equips them with a degree but also enriches their life experience.

Returning International Students

In addition, students should have a career plan and don't be afraid to start with Entry Level. This is mainly for students who have no work experience when returning to Vietnam, especially those who miss the school recruitment and can only participate in social recruitment with zero experience. 

Many students look down on some relatively low-level positions and believe that overseas returnees can directly enter management positions. However, the reality is that the vast majority of enterprises hope to recruit experienced job seekers who can get a job quickly when recruiting. Many industries are actually not suitable for fresh graduates. Without a certain amount of experience accumulated, we cannot meet the employment requirements of enterprises, so we can't fantasise about reaching the top in one step. Starting from Entry level is a good stepping stone, which can make yourself enter the industry first.

Tips for Finding a Job without Internship Experience

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Internship experience is often considered as an important factor for employers when hiring new graduates. However, it is not the only factor that matters. International students who do not have internship experience can still find a job in Vietnam by following these tips:

Highlight your Academic Achievements and Projects

 If you have a good academic record or have completed some projects or research that are relevant to your desired field, make sure to showcase them on your resume and during interviews. These can demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and potential to employers.

Leverage your Network

Networking is a key strategy for finding a job in Vietnam. You can use your network of friends, classmates, alumni, professors, mentors, or online platforms to get referrals, recommendations, or information about job opportunities. You can also attend career fairs, workshops, seminars, or events that are related to your industry or interest.

Volunteer or Join Extracurricular Activities

Volunteering or joining extracurricular activities can help you gain valuable experience, skills, and connections that can boost your employability. You can look for opportunities that align with your career goals or passions, such as teaching English, working for an NGO, or joining a club or society.

Be Flexible and Open-minded

Finding a job without internship experience may require you to be flexible and open-minded about your options. You may have to start from an entry-level position, accept a lower salary, or work in a different industry than you expected. However, these can be stepping stones for your future career growth and development. You should also be willing to learn new things and adapt to the local work environment.

Building a Strong Resume

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Finally, when it comes to building a strong resume, it’s all about showcasing your skills, experiences, and achievements in the most effective way. Here are some tips:

Tailor Your Resume

Make sure your resume is tailored to the job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

Use Action Verbs

Start each bullet point with an action verb. This helps to make your resume more dynamic and impactful.

Quantify Achievements 

Wherever possible, quantify your achievements. For example, instead of saying “improved sales”, say “increased sales by 20%”.

Include Relevant Keywords

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Including relevant keywords can help ensure your resume gets past these systems.


Make sure your resume is free of spelling and grammatical errors. A well-written resume makes a strong first impression.

Remember, your resume is often the first point of contact with a potential employer. Make it count!

Final Thoughts

Finding a job as an international student without internship experience can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By understanding the local job market, leveraging your unique international background, and following a strategic approach, you can increase your chances of securing a job in Vietnam. Highlight your academic achievements, network effectively, engage in volunteer work or extracurricular activities, and be open to entry-level positions to kickstart your career. Crafting a tailored, well-structured resume is also crucial in making a positive first impression. With determination and the right strategies, you can stand out from the competition and embark on a successful career in Vietnam.