Handling Employee Resignations for Their Remaining Value

Employee resignations are not necessarily a bad thing. We should view employee turnover as a natural phenomenon rather than a threat to the company. In this article from Aniday, we will explore how to handle employee resignations in a way that allows them to make their final contributions to the organization, extracting their remaining value. 

Additionally, Aniday will delve into encouraging employees to candidly express their true thoughts about the company and discuss interview handling techniques. Education and training will become a powerful tool for managers to better manage employee turnover. This is a guide for HR to no longer worry about the wave of employee resignations.

Employee Resignations Are Not Necessarily Bad

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First, HR personnel must establish the correct belief that employee resignations are not necessarily a negative thing for the organization. Talent mobility is a natural phenomenon and is inevitable. Therefore, similar situations occur every year.

For example, in my case, even though I have been involved in education and training for over twenty years, I changed five different companies and held various positions in the first three years of my career. For me, it was because I was still in the exploratory phase of my career. Of course, there are reasons or causes behind every employee's resignation, but for HR personnel, the focus is on how to enable departing employees to make their final contributions to the organization, which we can call their "remaining value."

Improper Handling Of Resignations Can Turn Departing Employees Into A Disaster

As the "Analects of Confucius" says, "When a person is about to die, their words are usually good." Likewise, how to encourage employees planning to resign to express their accumulated honest thoughts about the company can be the key to evaluating the success or failure of handling resignation interviews. 

In normal circumstances, few people want to leave a job that satisfies them. So, if employees are not willing to stay with the same company for the long term, there may be underlying reasons or deeper issues, which could pose a threat to the sustainability of the organization.

Moreover, if these hidden or known but unaddressed issues ultimately lead to a significant number of resignations, it can be a fatal blow to the organization's survival. Additionally, if interviews are mishandled and result in departing employees becoming hostile, not only will both parties be unable to part on amicable terms, but the departing employees will become formidable detractors with an intimate knowledge of the organization's vulnerabilities.

Encouraging Departing Employees to Express Their Negative Feelings About Resignation

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Most managers do not possess professional counseling skills. Therefore, it is a tremendous challenge and test for interviewers to truly employ the empathy that everyone talks about, avoid emotional confusion due to "transference," or prevent a lack of interpersonal sensitivity from directly affecting the performance of resignation interviews. 

Furthermore, many employees hae the mindset of “parting on good terms” this means that if they are already leaving, they are willing to take the risk to honestly express their dissatisfaction, thoughts and suggestions, this is ultimately up to the weather the interviewer can gain their trust. 

Education And Training Can Be An Added Advantage For Resignation Interviews

Although most managers lack a background in counseling, we can assist them in developing relevant counseling skills through education and training. As mentioned earlier, talent mobility is a natural phenomenon and a lesson that organizations must go through each year. Rather than worrying about the negative impact of a wave of resignations, it is better to be well-prepared in advance and ready to use these skills when needed. As a result, the idea discussed in this article, extracting the remaining value that benefits the organization from resigning employees, can be put into practice.

What Are The Key Supplements For Interviewers To Enhance Resignation Interviews?

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As mentioned earlier, the goodwill of resignation interviews comes from the feeling that departing employees have trust in the interviewers. Therefore, how to build trust is a fundamental skill that interviewers must practice regularly. 

Additionally, enhancing listening and information gathering abilities, using techniques to effectively express concerns from both the employee and the organization, using techniques to grasp the true thoughts and problems of departing employees, and creating a positive interview atmosphere while using effective questioning methods and asking key questions are all essential skills that interviewers must possess in resignation interviews. 

In Summary

This blog post from Aniday highlights the importance of having a positive outlook on employee resignations and sees them as a normal aspect of talent mobility. It gives HR professionals advice on how to handle resignations successfully by getting the most out of departing workers and promoting open communication. 

Interviews for resignations that are properly done might reveal possible problems before they become risks to the organisation. In order to improve the resignation interview process and guarantee a mutually beneficial exit, the essay emphasises the significance of empathy, professional counselling skills, and continued education.