Classic Interview Question: Why Did You Choose Our Company?

During job interviews, it's quite common to be asked, "Why did you choose our company?" Regardless of the questions you face during an interview, you can prepare using a specific approach – understanding why the interviewer is asking this question. In other words, what information does the interviewer hope to gather or confirm through this question?

Why Do Interviewers Ask This Question

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When interviewers ask this question, they generally want to confirm if you have a certain level of knowledge about their company and if you genuinely have enthusiasm for their organization. They want to make sure you're not sending out a mass of resumes and treating their company as a mere "backup plan." 

Therefore, your response should highlight that you have in-depth knowledge of the company, that you've made a thoughtful decision based on the company's information, and that you genuinely find their corporate culture and work environment suitable for you. You should express eagerness to work there.

However, merely following this approach can be considered "standard." It doesn't stand out or provide any extra points. After explaining "why the company is suitable for you," you need to move on to convince the interviewer "why you are suitable for the company." 

This becomes especially important when dealing with large corporations because many candidates feel that "the company is a good fit." The company needs to select individuals who are not only enthusiastic about the company but are also "a good fit for the company" or "a good fit for the specific job role" from the pool of passionate candidates.

Answering Strategies

Given these two points, here are some answering strategies for your reference:

1. Why Is the Company Suitable for Me?

In this part, you mainly need to gather and organize information about the company. This includes but is not limited to the industry's growth prospects, the company's development, and the specific role for which you are interviewing. For example, if you are interviewing for an operations role in the automotive manufacturing industry, you can say:

"The automotive manufacturing industry in Vietnam is experiencing rapid growth. Not only is the export volume of automobiles increasing, but the electric vehicle (EV) industry is also booming. With rising crude oil prices, the demand for EVs is expected to soar, making it a golden period for future development. I'm eager to capitalize on this opportunity and enter this lucrative field. I've noticed that your company has invested a lot of effort in this area, and it's growing quickly, for instance, [provide specific examples from your research]. Therefore, I believe this aligns perfectly with my personal career prospects."

This approach then raises the question: Since there are multiple companies in this industry, why did you choose our company over others? You can explore this aspect by discussing the company's culture, policies, and its unique advantages. 

For instance, if it's a large corporation, emphasize how it's an industry leader, holds significant influence, and has a profound understanding of the industry. If it's a startup or a small to medium-sized enterprise, highlight how you can get involved in building the business from the ground up and how it's not just about being a "cog in the machine." The opportunity to be part of the journey from "imperfection to perfection" within the company can enhance your skills and boost your self-confidence.

2. Why Is This Job Role Suitable for Me?

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This part should be relatively familiar to most candidates, as your entire interview is essentially answering this question. You can incorporate your actual experiences and discuss how these experiences have developed your skills and how you can apply these skills to the specific job role. If you're a recent graduate with no internship experience, college activities such as organizing events in student organizations can be used as examples. 

For instance:

"I organized several events in my college's student organization, such as [describe the type of events], and I was responsible for event goals, target audiences, designing different stages, gathering user feedback, and optimizing the processes. This skill set includes event planning and user management, which is a part of the operations role. So, my experience has equipped me with the necessary skills for this position."

While those with practical experience in the workforce may find this aspect easier to address, rest assured that if you've made it to the interview stage, it means the interviewer is already quite satisfied with your qualifications. You can be confident in your response.

Interview Tips

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Above, we have given you two ways you can frame your answers and give a satisfactory answer to your interviewer. In this section, we will be covering some tips so that you will be able to better provide a satisfactory answer to the interviewers!

1. Research the Company

When preparing for an interview, it’s crucial to research the company thoroughly. This will not only help you answer the question “Why did you choose our company?” but also demonstrate your interest and initiative. Here’s how you can approach it:

  • Company’s Mission and Vision: Understand the company’s mission and vision. These are usually available on the company’s website. They give you an idea of what the company values and where it sees itself in the future.

  • Recent News and Updates: Stay updated with recent news about the company. This could be a new product launch, an important milestone, or a recent award. Mentioning these in your answer shows that you’ve done your homework.

  • Company Culture: Try to get a sense of the company’s culture. You can often find this information on their website, social media, or sites like LinkedIn. If the culture aligns with your work style and values, be sure to mention this.

2. Align with Your Career Goals

When choosing a company or a role, it’s important to consider how it aligns with your career goals. Here’s how you can approach it:

  • Understanding Your Career Goals: Before you can align a company or role with your career goals, you need to have a clear understanding of what those goals are. Are you looking to develop certain skills? Do you want to work in a specific industry or role? Do you have leadership aspirations?

  • Company’s Industry and Position in Market: Research the company’s industry and its position in the market. If you’re looking to work in a growing industry or want to gain experience in a market-leading company, this could be a good fit for your career goals.

  • Opportunities for Professional Growth: Look at whether the company offers opportunities for professional development and career advancement. This could be in the form of training programs, mentorship, or clear career progression paths.

  • Long-term Vision: Think about where you want to be in 5 or 10 years, and how this role will help you get there. Does it provide you with the necessary experience or connections? Does it set you up for the kind of roles you aspire to in the future?

In Summary

Answering the question, "Why did you choose our company?" during a job interview is an opportunity to showcase your knowledge of the company, demonstrate your genuine enthusiasm, and align your career goals with the company's mission and the specific job role. It's not just about why the company is suitable for you; it's also about how you are suitable for the company. 

By conducting thorough research, highlighting your relevant experiences, and emphasizing how the company's culture and growth prospects align with your career aspirations, you can craft a compelling response that sets you apart from other candidates.