5 Strategies to 10x Your Recruitment Process

Hiring the right talent is no stroll in the park. In fact, with an $8.5 trillion talent shortage looming overhead, finding the perfect candidate can feel like scaling Mount Everest blindfolded. 

However, fear not! We're about to unravel the secrets that will propel your recruitment process to new heights — A 10x Improvement Awaits. So, buckle up because Aniday are taking you on a thrilling ride through the top strategies to 10x your recruitment process.

Rethink Cultural Fit

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The mantra of 'cultural fit' has echoed through recruitment advice for years. The idea is simple: hire those who seamlessly blend with your company's DNA. While this approach aims to accelerate onboarding and foster team harmony, it can inadvertently stifle diversity and innovation.

According to Aleksandra Włodarczyk, HR Specialist/Recruiter at ResumeLab, "Hiring for cultural fit creates an environment where everyone thinks and acts the same. It also stifles innovation and ultimately causes growth to drop like a stone."

Leading organisations like Facebook and Pandora are moving away from strict cultural fit criteria and are embracing diversity. Instead of fixating on fit, consider hiring for 'culture add' – a strategy that brings in diverse talents, enriching your company's culture without compromising innovation.

Master Outbound Hiring

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Fine-tuning outbound hiring is a strategic approach to optimize the process of attracting and selecting candidates. The traditional method of posting job ads on global job boards can result in an influx of applications, many of which may not align with the specific requirements of the position. Here's a deeper dive into fine-tuning outbound hiring:

Challenges with Traditional Outbound Hiring

Traditional outbound hiring, often characterized by the use of job boards, recruitment agencies, and direct outreach to potential candidates, has its share of challenges.

1. Volume Over Quality

Posting on widely used job boards often leads to a high volume of applications. However, quantity doesn't always translate to quality. Many candidates might submit generic resumes without a genuine interest or fit for the role.

2. Mismatched Candidates

Due to the broad reach of global job boards, candidates may not fully understand the nuances of the job, leading to a pool of applicants that doesn't align with the specific needs of the position.

Fine-Tuning Outbound Hiring Strategies

Fine-tuning outbound hiring strategies involves a combination of optimizing existing methods and incorporating new, innovative approaches. 

1. Target Industry/Region-Based Platforms

Instead of relying solely on global job boards, consider using industry or region-specific platforms. Platforms like FlexJobs, which focuses on remote and flexible roles, or StartUpers, tailored for tech-focused positions, can help target candidates with the right skill sets.

2. Utilize Specialized Platforms

Explore platforms that cater to specialized roles. For instance, Techfetch.com is a marketplace specifically designed to fill contracting and IT consulting roles. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of attracting candidates with the required expertise.

3. Research and Choose Platforms Wisely

Before selecting platforms, conduct thorough research to ensure they align with your hiring needs. Consider factors such as the platform's user base, the types of roles typically posted, and the overall reputation within your industry.

Benefits of Fine-Tuning Outbound Hiring

1. Quality over Quantity

By targeting industry-specific platforms, you're more likely to attract candidates with a genuine interest and relevant experience. This approach emphasizes quality over quantity, streamlining the screening process.

2. Increased Relevance

Fine-tuning outbound hiring enhances the relevance of your job postings. Candidates on industry-specific platforms are more likely to possess the skills and qualifications you're looking for, reducing the time and effort spent on sifting through unrelated applications.

3. Improved Efficiency

A targeted approach results in a more efficient hiring process. Hiring managers can focus on evaluating candidates who are more likely to be a good fit for the position, saving time and resources.

Embrace Inbound Recruiting

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While posting on niche platforms is beneficial, the challenge lies in maintaining visibility over time. Inbound recruiting is the answer. This method allows you to engage both passive and active job seekers through targeted content.

Start by creating a 'What It's Like to Work at XYZ' page on your company's website. Share your vision and core values – showcase a workplace with a tangible impact beyond profits. Spread the word on major social media channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. To dive deeper into inbound recruitment, explore resources like the Beamery guide for a comprehensive approach.

Harness the Power of Employee Networks

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Referrals are a gold mine for top-tier talent. Referral hires boast a 40% applicant-to-hire conversion rate, stay with the company longer (46% for over one year and 45% for over two years), and cut the time-to-hire to an impressive 29 days.

Ready to tap into this resource? 

  • Integrate it into your onboarding process by scheduling a one-on-one session with new employees to explore their LinkedIn and Facebook networks. Gain insights by referring to the informative First Round guide.

  • Highlight available positions through various channels, such as all-hands meetings or featured sections in the company newsletter.

  • Plan annual or biannual referral events, offering a casual and enjoyable atmosphere with pizza, and regularly tap into employees' networks for potential candidates.

  • Consider eliminating referral bonuses; when employees are confident in their workplace, their motivation to introduce others is driven by the positive work environment rather than monetary incentives.

Consider ditching referral bonuses; when employees believe in their workplace, they're more likely to refer candidates for the right reasons rather than just the cash incentive.

For the blog post, Aniday has explored the top 10 ways to 10x your recruitment process. By implementing these four strategies, you're on your way to transforming your recruitment process from a daunting climb to a smooth ascent, reaching heights you never thought possible.