4 Essential Skills for Event Management: The Advantage of International Students

The position of event operations is a relatively comprehensive one. As one of the indispensable positions in major internet companies, it has become a popular choice for fresh graduates in recent years. 

Operations is a position in the internet industry that is difficult to define, and event operations is the most difficult to define among the four major operations positions. This is because content operations, product operations, and user operations will all be reflected in an event and mixed in the entire process of the event.

What kind of work ability can help operators operate a good event better? This article will share the four most important work abilities for event operations.

Data Analysis Skills

women using data analytics tools

The operation position is dealing with data all the time. In previous articles, it has been mentioned that operations belong to the data party, and all behaviors and action norms are based on data.

The cycle of holding an event is very long, and data guidance is needed from the early planning to the mid-term advancement and then to the later landing.

For example, when planning an event, what kind of theme will attract more users to participate? This decision is not thought out by patting the head, but needs to be found through research and past data to find an event theme suitable for the company’s product positioning.

At the same time, during the operation of the event, if it is found that the number of registered participants is lower than expected, it may choose to increase the publicity intensity. How to increase, which type of advertiser to find, and when to carry out publicity placement, all need to be judged and decided through various data.

Understanding what the data core of each link is, how to make correct decisions through these data, etc., are all things that an event operator needs to understand.

Data itself is the benchmark for guiding operational actions, so naturally, for event operators, good data analysis has become an indispensable ability in work.

Content Discrimination Skills

women checking document

In an event, from a sentence on a medal to the entire event’s promotional copy, it is actually linked to content. And the quality of the content has a pivotal role in the good or bad of the event.

As an event operation, it is extremely important to control the quality of the content. Perhaps an event operator does not need to directly write content, but facing a large amount of copy content, it needs to have the ability to discriminate the good and bad, and the pros and cons of the content.

Content discrimination ability is multi-dimensional, for example, what kind of copy can touch the target users, which content is conducive to event conversion, what kind of content will have a better dissemination effect in the display position. These are all discrimination abilities that an excellent event operator needs to master.

This content discrimination ability comes from years of experience accumulation, long-term observation of the entire industry, and understanding of target users. It is an important ability that needs to be cultivated continuously.

As an applicant, if you have a good sensitivity to content, it is very beneficial to apply for an event operation position with content as the main.

Rhythm Skills

events scheduling

As an event operator, you need to grasp the rhythm of each link at all times. For events, remember that the rhythm is too slow or too fast, and the rhythm of each link should be adjusted in time according to the situation of the event.

A typical example of not mastering the rhythm is:

The company organized a three-day e-commerce discount promotion event. Because the early publicity was very good, a large number of users flooded into the event site in one day, but because there were too few merchants arranged on the first day and the event was not rich enough, many users would feel that there was nothing to participate in this event. Turn your head and leave. Perhaps no matter how good the welfare activities in the next two days, they will not be able to turn back those users who were initially interested.

At the same time, in the preparation stage of the event, rhythm ability can also be called advancement ability or planning ability. A large amount of work for event operation personnel is to advance the progress of all parties. What time and what work should be completed is the most basic manifestation of advancement ability.

The operation cycle of an event is very long. For operators, rhythm ability is a necessary guarantee for the smooth progress of the entire event.

Whether the design plan is suitable, when can it be given, whether the content copy is complete, whether the supplier has prepared the corresponding materials on time, etc., these are all rhythms that event operations are always in control of. And good advancement planning will make the process of operating activities orderly and get twice the result with half the effort.

Stress Resistance Skills

women being stressful at work

alt text: women being stressful at work

If you say that among the four major operations positions, which operation work has the greatest pressure, then event operations must be the first to bear the brunt. Almost every job recruiting event operations requires operators to have good stress resistance skills.

There are many reasons for the high work pressure, such as unsatisfactory stage data, insufficient preparation work, slow progress of links, various emergencies, etc., are all factors that will cause the operation pressure to rise. And these factors are throughout the entire process of event operations.

Therefore, good stress resistance, for event operations, is more like an inner spiritual ability. How to comb everything under high pressure, steadily advance each link, and correctly handle every emergency, all require good stress resistance as the basis.

The work intensity of the Internet industry itself is relatively large, and many times a person is a high-load operation of multiple jobs. Event operations need to control the big rhythm, but also need to be familiar with every small detail, the entire event process will bear pressure from all parties.

And for international students, the experience of studying and living overseas has greatly enhanced their stress resistance, and they can overcome various challenges with a normal heart.

So for international students who want to engage in event operations, it is very helpful to show recruiters that they have good stress resistance, which is very helpful to increase the probability of job hunting.

In Summary

For international students who want to engage in event operations, various work abilities are the basis for doing a good job, and they can cope with the difficulties in work after mastering them.

Among them, data ability, content ability, rhythm ability, and stress resistance ability are indispensable basic foundations for an event operator. For international students, they must always polish their four abilities to gradually grow into an excellent event operator.