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176 Orchard Road #05-05 The Centrepoint Singapore 238843
Icon employee Number of employees
17 person
Icon Vacancies Number of vacancies
0 vacancy


About US

Xctuality was born from the years of on-the-ground experience with renowned cultural events and festivals, such as Slush Singapore, F1 Singapore Grand Prix, Streats Food Festival, the Singapore National Day Parade 2020, Singapore International Arts Festival and Majulah Festival with our experiences in providing E-ticketing and smart event solutions aside.

Founders Warren Woon and Adrian Oliveiro - along with the rest of the team at Xctuality, offer unique 360° and immersive solutions in collaboration with the local arts, cultural and hospitality community that aims to bring the experiential platform of tomorrow, today.


13th month salary 13th month salary
Flexible working time Flexible working time
Full social insurance Full social insurance
Other benefits Other benefits
Yearly salary review Yearly salary review
Travel/company trips Travel/company trips
Laptop/desktop for works Laptop/desktop for works
Performance bonus Performance bonus
Extra health insurance Extra health insurance
Work-from-home Work-from-home

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