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Patrick Dang
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Vinhomes Golden River, D1
Icon employee Number of employees
1 person
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0 vacancy

CompanyPatrick Dang

About US

Patrick Dang, Inc. and Sales Legacy’s primary mission is to inspire others through high-quality education and provide knowledge and tools to succeed in their careers.

Patrick Dang is an American sales thought leader who’s quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing sales education channels on YouTube with +50,000 subscribers.

Sales Legacy is Patrick’s flagship sales training program where students learn how to start and accelerate their sales careers. Patrick’s students successfully receive job offers and work at companies like Oracle, Salesforce, and Comcast.

9AM - 6PM, Mon - Fri at Vinhomes Golden River, D1


Laptop/desktop for works Laptop/desktop for works
Salary review Salary review

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