NAL Solutions
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NAL Solution, 3 Floor - Fhome Building, 16 Ly Thuong Kiet, Thach Thang, Hai Chau, Da Nang, Viet Nam
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CompanyNAL Solutions

About US

NAL Solutions is a Vietnam - Japan joint venture software technology company under NAL Holding.
At NAL Solutions, we bring technology solutions and develop diverse and high-tech products encompassing Website Development, Mobile Apps, AI & Big Data, IoT AR/VR.With a board of experienced and skilled technical engineers with more than ten years in various IT workplaces, NALS will always bring quality products and receive certitude from customers.Regardless of project type or industry, NALS consistently strives to provide comprehensive support from consulting to system development and deliver a great customer experience.We are not just an IT company. NALS is a second home away from home for all NALSER, where we live, code, test, play, and do everything together. NALS desires to create a dynamic, enthusiastic, and proactive working environment & opensharing culture. We appreciate sharing in a teamwork environment, which helps all members develop and enhance their skills.
NALS is a flat workplace where all Nalsers (included CEO, PO, DEV, ...) are equal. As a flexible and proactive environment, we don't mind and track working time. The only thing we care for is the responsibility and the quality of your work/production. Everyone can choose starting/finishing working time.


Flexible working time Flexible working time
Other benefits Other benefits
Yearly salary review Yearly salary review
Travel/company trips Travel/company trips
Laptop/desktop for works Laptop/desktop for works
Performance bonus Performance bonus
Free lunch and Snacks Free lunch and Snacks
Extra health insurance Extra health insurance
Full social insurance Full social insurance
13th month salary 13th month salary

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