Icon website Website
Icon location Address
Tầng 11, Tòa nhà Bella Building, 220 Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, Phường Hoà Cường Bắc, Quận Hải Châu, Thành phố Đà Nẵng
Icon employee Number of employees
10-20 person
Icon Vacancies Number of vacancies
1 vacancy


About US

HAIBAZO JSC was established in April 2024, we specialize in providing technology solutions, developing large systems for Japanese customers in various domains (E Commerce, Education, Finance...).


13th month salary 13th month salary
Extra health insurance Extra health insurance
Performance bonus Performance bonus
Laptop/desktop for works Laptop/desktop for works
Travel/company trips Travel/company trips
Yearly salary review Yearly salary review
Other benefits Other benefits

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