What is a Developer? Basic Knowledge of Developers

Are you curious about the profession of a developer? Do you want to learn about their income, the vital skills they need, and more? Join us in this article as we delve into the world of developers. Let Aniday help you explore: what is developer?

What is the definition of a Developer?

In simple terms, a developer is someone who proficiently uses programming languages to create software, digital applications, and programs for various digital devices. 

Popular programming languages for developers include Python, JavaScript, C, C++, C#, Java, and PHP, each with its unique characteristics and applications tailored to different company needs and job requirements.

Depending on their role and expertise, developers can pursue various careers, such as:

  • Front-End Developer: They develop interfaces and features for web or mobile applications using programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Back-End Developer: Responsible for the systems and databases of web or mobile applications, they use languages such as Python, Java, and PHP to process and store data on the server side.
  • Full Stack Developer: These experts can handle both front-end and back-end roles in web or mobile applications, possessing the necessary skills and expertise in both areas.
  • Mobile Developer: They specialize in creating applications for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, using languages like Java, Kotlin, and Swift for Android or iOS development.

What is the Job of a Developer?

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A developer's job is very diverse, although there are things in common. Source: Annie Spratt.

Every developer has specialized responsibilities, but common tasks include:

  • Analyzing customer/user needs and problems.
  • Designing and programming software, programs, and applications as required.
  • Identifying and rectifying product errors.
  • Updating and enhancing features.
  • Documenting and reporting on the product development process.
  • Collaborating with other developers in the company or on a project.

Job Opportunities for Developers

The developer profession offers numerous opportunities for development and advancement. Depending on your experience, skills, and goals, you can consider the following positions:

Front-End Developer

To become a proficient front-end developer, you need to possess the following skills:

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interfaces for web and mobile applications.
  • Mastery of popular frameworks like Bootstrap, jQuery, React, Angular, Vue, and more to save time and effort in front-end programming.
  • The ability to grasp and apply UI/UX design thinking to optimize user experiences.
  • Capability to interact with the back end, understanding how to link the interface to the application's system and database.

Back-End Developer

Back-end developers are responsible for the system and database of web or mobile applications. They use programming languages such as Python, Java, and PHP to process and store data on the server side while ensuring applications operate quickly, stably, and securely.

Specific responsibilities of a back-end developer include:

  • Designing and building database systems such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and others.
  • Writing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable applications to communicate with each other over the network.
  • Using frameworks like Django, Laravel, Spring Boot, and more to create web or mobile applications quickly and effectively.
  • Testing and debugging applications to ensure their quality and availability.
  • Optimizing the performance and security of applications using advanced caching, encryption, and authentication technologies.
  • Updating and maintaining applications, adding new features as requested by customers or users.

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Backend developer is responsible for the system and database. Source: Christina Morillo.

Skills Required to Become a Back-End Developer

To become a back-end developer, you should have the following skills:

  • Proficiency in at least one server-side programming language, such as Python, Java, or PHP.
  • Understanding of relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) database systems, including their design, querying, and management.
  • Mastery of concepts related to computer networks, HTTP protocol, RESTful API, JSON, and more.
  • Experience in using popular frameworks for web or mobile development, such as Django, Laravel, Spring Boot, etc.
  • The ability to identify and resolve issues related to performance, security, and application availability.
  • Teamwork and effective communication skills, as collaboration with front-end developers and other stakeholders is essential.

Full-Stack Developer

Full-stack developers possess extensive knowledge of both front-end and back-end development. Additionally, they are well-versed in standards, concepts, and best practices related to full-stack programming.

A full-stack developer's responsibilities include:

  • Participating in the software design and development process.
  • Conducting testing and bug fixes to ensure software stability and performance.
  • Writing code for both the user interface (front-end) and the data processing part on the server (back-end).
  • Creating user-friendly interactions in web applications.
  • Building server and database components for the back-end of applications.
  • Ensuring cross-platform compatibility and optimal performance.
  • Testing and maintaining designs that align with user needs.
  • Collaborating with UX/UI designers to implement new features.
  • Developing RESTful APIs and services.
  • Keeping abreast of new technology trends periodically.

Mobile Developer

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Mobile developers apply advanced technology to develop mobile applications. Source: Christina Morillo.

Mobile developers are programming experts who actively participate in all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for mobile devices.

  • A mobile developer's job includes:
  • Staying updated on and researching new technologies for application and mobile platform development.
  • Performing programming, expansion, and feature upgrades.
  • Taking on project management roles related to application development.
  • Receiving and transferring technology-related tasks based on business characteristics or assignments from direct management.
  • Ensuring compliance with quality standards for both legacy and upgraded application versions.

Skills Needed to Become a Developer


Programming language



Write interactive functions, effects, and interactions on the web page.


Create site structure.


Create the interface for a website


General programming, data science, machine learning, AI.



System programming, games, specialized software


Web, mobile, computer programming.


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Understanding many programming languages ​​will be a great advantage for developers. Source: Pixabay.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Developers need to understand data structures and algorithms to optimize program code. Using the correct algorithm will help users interact easily with web and mobile applications, enhancing the overall user experience.

Knowledge of Databases

Database knowledge is another crucial aspect that developers need to master, including the skills to query data, update information, and ensure database security. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a popular language among developers for querying, storing, and processing data across systems.

Knowledge of Debugging

Debugging skills are essential for identifying and fixing errors in program code, ensuring that software or applications operate smoothly and are free from errors. In programming, debugging allows developers to find and rectify issues such as incorrect displays, buggy functionality, or user interaction problems, thus improving the web or mobile experience.

Proficiency in Operating Systems

An operating system is software that manages and controls all components of an electronic device, including hardware and software. Popular operating systems for computers include Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux, while iOS and Android are the top choices for mobile devices. Developers need to possess expert knowledge of different operating systems to test and adapt their code flexibly.

Transferable Skills

Communication Skills

Developers are required to communicate regularly with customers and project managers. Therefore, the ability to engage in effective communication with customers and colleagues, negotiate, and resolve conflicts is essential.

Teamwork Skills

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Effective teamwork helps developers improve the quality of their work. Source: Jason Goodman.

Lastly, the ability to work in teams and collaborate with different departments cannot be underestimated. During their work, developers often need to closely coordinate with UI/UX designers or project managers to solve customer problems. Effective collaboration and communication are vital for developers to easily achieve their goals and ensure that projects run smoothly.

Developer Salary

Developer salaries vary based on their position and experience. Here are some examples of average salaries for different developer and management roles:

Staff Level:

  • Backend Developer: 644.63 - 1112.71$/month.
  • Frontend Developer: 656.95 - 985.42$/month.
  • Full-stack Developer: 702.11 - 1523.30$/month.
  • Data Engineer: 718.54 - 1223.57$/month.

Managers level:

  • Product Manager: 1120.92 - 1859.99$/month.
  • Project Manager: 1157.87 - 1790.19$/month.
  • CTO (Chief Technical Officer): 2381.44 - 2857.73$/month.

Please note that these figures are for reference only and may vary based on location and experience.


What is developer? In general, developers are taking responsibility for creating, designing, building and maintaining software applications, websites, or other digital solutions. They also write the code and programming logic that enables computer programs and applications to function as intended.

In this article, we've explored the world of developers, their essential skills, and provided salary references. Aniday hope this information helps you on your job search journey.

Best of luck with your job search!