Important Notes For First-Time Tax Registrants In Vietnam

Are you a first-time tax registrant in Vietnam? The registration process for the first time might be haunting as you need to fulfill specific law obligations. For example, suppose you need to process the registration of your tax identification number in Vietnam. In that case, you need to submit the correct documents to the authorities without any mistakes to avoid facing any hassle.

Therefore, our Aniday guide will help you with all the important notes for first-time tax registrants in Vietnam, such as preparing your documents, managing deadlines, obtaining the tax certificate, etc.

What Are The Essential Tax Registration Documents For The First Time Registrants In Vietnam?

If you are registering for tax for the first time, you must carry some documents. Remember to bring the same type of documents for other registrations, such as business or cooperative registration.

If you are an organization registering for tax for the first time with the tax authority, there are specific documents you should take along. Here are the documents you must carry with you:

  • Tax registration declaration form.

  • Any of the following documents: 

    • A copy of the establishment and operation license.

    • A copy of the establishment decision.

    • A copy of the investment registration certificate.

    • Or any other equivalent documents issued by reliable authorities.

  • Other relevant documents.

If you want to register for tax for the first time for households, business households, and individuals, there are specific documents you should take along. Here are the documents you must carry with you:

  • Any of the following: 

    • Tax registration declaration form.

    • Tax return form.

  • A copy of any of the following documents: 

    • Identity card.

    • Citizen identification card.

    • Passport.

  • Other relevant documents

Remember that information is shared between state management agencies and tax authorities to process taxpayer registration applications and issue tax codes through the one-stop-shop electronic mechanism. This process is performed according to the related tax laws.

Important Notes For First-Time Tax Registrants In Vietnam-001

What Is The Deadline For Initial Tax Registration?

When considering the deadline for initial tax registration, the tax registration deadline is the same as the business registration deadline. This is directly mentioned in the tax laws.

If you are a taxpayer registering for tax through a tax authority, the tax registration deadline is 10 working days based on the below dates:

  • Issuance of business registration certificates, investment registration certificates, establishment licenses, or establishment decisions.

  • Start business activities for entities not subject to business registration or for business households and individuals who require registration but have yet to receive a business registration certificate.

  • Arising of tax deduction and tax payment obligations for organizations that pay taxes on behalf of individuals, as per contracts or cooperation documents.

  • Signing of contracts by foreign contractors or subcontractors who declare and pay taxes directly to tax authorities or signing of oil and gas agreements.

  • Arising of personal income tax obligations.

  • Arising of tax refund requests.

  • Arising of other obligations to the state budget.

In addition to the above points, you must keep some other critical aspects in mind. They are as follows:

  • Organizations or individuals paying income must register for tax on behalf of income recipients within 10 working days from the date the tax obligation arises if the recipients do not have a tax code.

  • Organizations or individuals must register for tax on behalf of taxpayers' dependents when the dependents do not have a tax code within 10 working days from the date of the taxpayer's registration for family situation deductions.

Important Notes For First-Time Tax Registrants In Vietnam-002

What Is Included In The Issuance Of Tax Registration Certificate?

When will the tax registration certificate be issued? The tax authorities will issue the tax registration certificates to taxpayers approximately 3 working days after receiving complete tax registration documents. However, the tax registration certificate includes the following:

  • Taxpayer's name.

  • Tax code.

  • The number, date, month, and year of the business registration certificate, establishment license, or investment registration certificate for business entities.

  • The number, date, month, and year of the establishment decision for organizations exempt from business registration.

  • The details from the identity card, citizen identification card, or passport for individuals exempt from business registration.

  • The details of the tax authority that managed the documents directly.

Also, there are some situations where the tax authorities issue the tax code to taxpayers instead of issuing the tax registration certificate. This situation happens as a result of the following instances:

  • When individuals authorize income-paying organizations or individuals to register for tax on their behalf and for their dependents.

  • When individuals register for tax via tax return filings.

  • When organizations or individuals register for tax to facilitate tax deduction and payment.

  • When individuals register for tax on behalf of their dependents.

What happens if the tax registration certificate or code notification gets lost, torn, damaged, or fired? Then, the specific tax authorities will reissue the tax registration certificate or tax code notification within two working days. However, you must submit the complete replacement application documents based on the tax laws.

Important Notes For First-Time Tax Registrants In Vietnam-003

What Are The Procedures For First-Time Taxpayer Registration In Vietnam?

If you are registering as a first-time taxpayer in Vietnam, follow these simple steps to complete your registration on the General Department of Taxation's online platform: 

  1. Go to the General Department of Taxation's electronic information page in Vietnam 

  2. Navigate to the "Homepage," and on the header, please select either "Organization" or "Business households - individuals."

  3. Select the "First Tax Registration" option from the header within the next navigated page.

  4. Next, select "Declare and Submission of documents” on the left-hand header.

  5. Then, a form with a drop-down menu will be displayed. Select the ideal option that fits your criteria. Next, select "Continue." 

  6. Please fill out the ideal details in the registration form and continue. Once you have entered the relevant information, you can choose "Complete Declaration" to complete your application. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the registration process for first-time taxpayers can be challenging. Not knowing the regulations and information accurately may cause extra hassle. Following this guide allows you to process your tax registration effectively as a first-time registrant. 

Therefore, fulfilling the tax identification number registration in Vietnam is straightforward if you follow the guidelines and laws effectively. 

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We hope this guide helped you understand the tax registration process for first-time taxpayers!

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