Remote Jobs in Southeast Asia: A Future Trend?


Remote working has experienced a significant surge, witnessing a remarkable 400% increase, while an impressive 73% of businesses plan to adopt remote work in the coming years. Major companies such as Facebook and Twitter have made the decision to allow permanent remote work for their employees, while Google has experimented with hybrid workweeks, resulting in 85% of its employees expressing interest in relocating or working remotely.

As local pandemic restrictions ease, the EY 2021 Work Reimagined Employee Survey reveals that only 15% of employees surveyed in Southeast Asia (SEA) would prefer to work from the office full time. The survey highlights the preferences of SEA employees, with 32% desiring the flexibility to work from anywhere, 29% favoring full-time remote work, and 23% preferring a hybrid work arrangement combining in-office and remote work.

Estimates indicate that there are currently over 10 million remote workers in Southeast Asia, and this number is anticipated to surpass 20 million by 2025. Among the top countries in Southeast Asia for remote work are,

  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Malaysia

Noteworthy industries offering remote work opportunities in Southeast Asia include,

  • IT & Software
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Customer Support
  • Content Creation
  • Education

These sectors have seen significant growth in remote work options, providing professionals with the flexibility to work remotely while contributing to these thriving industries in the region.


Skill sets and industries poised for remote work growth


 Remote Front-End Programming

 Create and implement a website or application’s visual and interactive   elements to boost the user experience.

 Remote Back-End Programming

 Develop and maintain the server-side components of a website or   application, handling data storage, security, and logic that enables the   front end to function seamlessly.

 Remote Full-Stack Programming

 Code both the front-end and back-end components of a website or   application, enabling end-to-end functionality and seamless user   experience.

 Remote Data Scientist & Analyst

 Data Scientists analyze complex datasets, develop statistical models, and   more, Data Analysts examine and interpret data to identify patterns,   trends, and valuable intel for businesses.

 Remote DevOps

 To streamline the software development lifecycle, you’ll bridge the gap   between development and operations by implementing automation,   continuous integration, and the best deployment practises.

 Remote Sysadmin

 Manage and maintain technical infrastructure, such as servers, networks,     and systems, to ensure optimal performance, security, and availability.



 UX/UI Designer

 Being responsible for the user experience and user interface   of websites and apps, you’ll make products more usable,   enjoyable, and accessible.

 Graphic Designer

 Use visual elements, typography, and your creativity to design   visually appealing and impactful graphics, illustrations, and   layouts for print, digital, branding, and more.

 Video Editor

 Videos deliver higher engagement rates, and companies need   creatives to tell their compelling stories and share messages   using the best visual and auditory elements.

 3D Designer

 Create three-dimensional models, animations, and visual   effects with specialised software to bring ideas and concepts   to life in immersive and realistic ways.



 Product Designer

 Working with a team of engineers and product managers to ship products   that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

 Product Manager

 Responsible for the overall success of a product, you’ll oversee the entire   process from development to launch ensuring everything stays on-time   and within budget.

 Product Marketing Manager

 Part product and part marketing, working with a team to design marketing   campaigns to help the product gain exposure, drive users, and capture   sales. 


Sales & Marketing

 Sales Development Representative

 Qualify leads and set appointments for sales representatives.

 Sales Representative

 Engage with potential and existing customers to match them when the   right products and services for their needs.

 Content Marketer

 Create content (such as blog posts, video scripts, ebooks, etc) that   attracts, engages, and teaches customers about a company’s products or   services.

 Email Marketer

 Create email templates, manage email lists, and track email campaigns   designed to capture, engage, and convert subscribers to loyal, repeat   customers.

 Social Media Marketer

 Managing a company’s social media presence includes creating and   publishing content across multiple platforms, interacting with followers,   tracking social media metrics and more.

 Marketing Manager

 Oversee a team of marketing professionals, monitoring their progress and   key performance indicators, and use those metrics to help them reach the   company’s sales goals.


Management & Finance

 Business Analyst

 Develop solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness for companies.

 Financial Analyst

 Analyze financial data and provide insights into a company’s financial   health and performance.

 Legal Assistant

 Provide administrative and legal support to lawyers by researching legal   precedents, drafting documents, and managing case files.


 Analyze historial data and statistics to predict and measure rish for   insurance, finance, and investment companies.

 Virtual Assistant

 Deliver administrative, organizational, and logistical support to people or   businesses, efficiently managing tasks, schedules, and communications to   enhance productivity and streamline operations.


Healthcare & Wellness

 Virtual Health Coach

 Support, guide, and help clients achieve their health and wellness goals.

 Telehealth Therapist

 Use video conferencing tools to provide therapy sessions and build   rapport with clients remotely.

 Remote Nurse Practitioner

 Working remotely allows you to share medical advice through   telemedicine video apps from home.


Education & Training

 Online Instructor/Virtual Tutor

 Use video conferencing software to teach courses, tutor, and hold online   classes with students worldwide.

 eLearning Content Development

 Create and develop eLearning content, such as courses, modules, study   guides, and assessments.


Customer Support

 Customer Service/Support Representative

 As the frontline of customer assistance, you’ll answer questions, resolve   issues, and ensure positive customer experiences.

 Technical Support Specialist

 Help customers troubleshoot problems, install software, and answer   technical questions.


Human Resources (HR) & Recruiting

 Recruiter/Talent Acquisition Specialist

 Find, screen, and hire the best candidates for open positions using social   media, online job boards, video conferencing, and networking.

 Employee Relations Specialist

 Help resolve employee conflicts and improve relations to ensure a positive   and productive remote work environment.

 HRIS Manager

 Work with the HR team to ensure a company’s human resources   information system (HRIS) in used effectively to track employee data,   manage benefits, and onboard new employees.


Supply Chain Management (SCM)

 Remote Supply Chain Operations Specialist

 Plan the systems, structures, and processes that facilitate goods moving   from supplier to customer.

 Remote Transportation and Logistics Coordinator

 Secure the most effective and cost-efficient distribution and transportation   patterns for products worldwide.

 Remote Strategic Sourcing Manager

 Evaluate, select, and manage vendor partnerships, replying on data   analytics to ensure they meet business goals.

 Remote Procurement Specialist/Purchasing   Specialist

 Locate suppliers, negotiate purchasing agreements, and confirm materials   and products meet the company’s specifications.


The remote work revolution in Southeast Asia

Freelancing and remote jobs flourish in Southeast Asia due to technological advancements, offering enhanced connectivity and flexibility. The region's low cost of living and plentiful coworking spaces make it an attractive destination. Southeast Asia's diverse culture provides enriching experiences for remote workers. Hybrid work models benefit employers by promoting collaboration. Research highlights the popularity of freelancing and remote jobs in the region. Southeast Asia's thriving remote work landscape, with its affordability, coworking spaces, and cultural diversity, appeals to both remote workers and employers embracing flexibility.


Advantages of remote jobs

For Employers

 Increased productivity

 Contrary to employer concerns, remote work environments often result in   increased productivity. By creating a comfortable and distraction-free workspace at   home, workers can achieve higher levels of productivity compared to traditional   office settings.

 Savings on equipment

 In remote work scenarios, it is common for remote workers, especially freelancers   who are self-employed and work on an as-needed basis, to bear the expenses of   their own remote working equipment.

 Talent pool

 Remote hiring enables employers to select top-tier talent regardless of   geographical constraints. It offers the flexibility to hire individuals worldwide or   restrict to specific locations or time zones, depending on business requirements.

 Less commuting time resulting in less   absenteeism

 Remote workers often exhibit reduced absenteeism compared to their office-based   counterparts. The absence of commuting allows them to start their day early, and   without the rush to catch a train, they are more willing to stay an extra few minutes   to complete tasks, benefiting both workers and employers.

 Employee retention

 You might not think it, but there are some great advantages for hiring remote   workers when it comes to the employee retention rate. This is due to a few reasons,

  • You won’t lose employees if they move
  • Employees are more likely to carry on working during pregnancy and early motherhood (even if they reduce their hours)
  • Those hired will have more flexibility which is a big requirement for millennials in particulars


For Employees

 Better mental health

 Approximately 82% of telecommuters experience lower stress levels compared to   in-house workers. This reduction in stress is essential for maintaining a productive   workforce, as high levels of stress contribute to mental health issues such as   anxiety and depression.

 Better work-life balance

 Remote jobs often offer flexible schedules, allowing workers to determine their own   start and end times as long as they meet their work requirements and achieve   positive outcomes. This level of control over their schedules is highly valuable, as it   enables them to better attend to personal needs alongside their professional   responsibilities.

 Save time

 Remote jobs offer more than just the elimination of commuting time; they grant   employees the freedom to control their schedules. This means individuals can   optimize their productivity according to their personal preferences, whether they   excel in the mornings or find their creativity peaks in the evenings. As long as team   members are unaffected and deadlines are met, remote workers enjoy the   flexibility to select their preferred working hours.


 One of the advantages of remote work for employees is the ability to work from any   location. This eliminates the need to be tied to a city that doesn't align with their   preferences or standards, and it also reduces the need for unnecessary travel.


The Future for remote jobs in Southeast Asia

As Covid-19 cases stabilized and vaccines became available, companies opted for one of three choices: continue remote work, impletment a back-to-office, or adopt a hybrid work model. The hybrid work era offers a flexible approach where employees can pick their preferred location and work style for optimal productivity. Based on current market trends, freelancing and remote work are expected to further expand across various industries.

The freelancing and remote working landscape is set to evolve further in the future. Virtual reality is expected to become more common, improving the immersive nature of remote jobs. Improvements in connectivity will enable a smooth remote work experience, while increased flexibility will allow employees to work remotely from anywhere.



Experience the realm of remote work in Vietnam with Aniday, where excellence meets tailored solutions. Our comprehensive services are designed to meet your staffing needs, including streamlined payroll processes that ensure compliance with local regulations. Our experienced team understands the complexities of these regulations, offering a hassle-free payroll experience for your company. Whether or not you have a presence in Vietnam, we are fully equipped to assist you. With our extensive network and talent pool, we can find the perfect candidates for your business.

If you're seeking remote work opportunities in Vietnam, Aniday is here to help. We have access to diverse remote positions across industries and sectors. Whether you prefer full-time or part-time remote work, we can connect you with reputable employers offering exciting roles. Vietnam's strong internet infrastructure and thriving digital economy make it an ideal destination for remote work. Partner with Aniday to enjoy the convenience of remote work while collaborating with esteemed companies in Vietnam. Take advantage of this rising trend by leveraging Aniday's platform to find your ideal remote position in Vietnam.

Do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.