Questions to Ask Startups Before Joining: What You Need to Know

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Entering the startup world isn't just a career choice; it's an adventurous journey of risks and rewards. Startups, driven by founder creativity and passion, offer lucrative opportunities and greater independence. However, joining a startup should not be based solely on passion and belief. Before deciding to become part of a startup, asking precise questions to the startup founders is indispensable.

In this article, Aniday provides you with the types of essential questions to ask startup founders before joining. By asking appropriate questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of the startup and its founders, enabling you to make well-informed decisions for yourself.

Effective Questioning Techniques

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When engaging in conversations with startup founders, the way you frame your questions plays a pivotal role in collecting accurate information and gaining a better understanding of the project. Here are some tips to ensure you ask questions effectively:

1. Preparation

Prior to meeting startup founders or interviews, research the startup and its founders. This provides a better grasp of their field, project objectives, and inception motives. Armed with this information, you can pose relevant and focused questions.

2. Be Specific

Avoid asking vague and general questions. Instead, ask specific questions to gather precise information. For instance, instead of asking, "How does your product help customers?" you can inquire, "Can you provide a concrete example of how your product assisted a customer in resolving a specific problem?"

3. Listen Carefully

When asking questions, listen carefully to the startup founders' responses. This helps gather information and assess their communication and problem-solving skills, including their responses to challenging inquiries.

4. Create Space for Conversation

While questioning, create an environment conducive to dialogue and discussion. Rather than just posing questions and awaiting answers, allow the founders to engage in open and free discussions, sharing information. This helps you gain a clearer picture of their vision and commitment to the project.

Types of Questions

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Before diving into startups, it's vital to ask insightful questions to understand different business aspects. Here are key areas to consider:

1. Questions about the Product or Service

First, grasp the startup's product or service comprehensively, considering objectives and unique value, not just product descriptions. This helps you comprehend the significance of the product in the market and how it addresses customer needs. Here are some specific questions to help you assess the product's market significance and customer impact:

  • How does your product/service address a unique problem or need compared to existing solutions?

  • Could you provide examples of successful cases that showcase your product/service's effectiveness in meeting customer needs?

  • How will you position and distinguish your product/service in the market from competitors?

2. Market-Related Questions

Market-related questions go beyond identifying the target users. They delve into issues like market differentiation, opportunities, and competitive capabilities. This helps you assess the founders' knowledge and their strategies concerning the market they are targeting. Here's a specific question for market-related inquiries:

  • What's your market penetration strategy and how do you plan to outperform competitors in your industry?

  • What market trends do you expect, and how will your product adapt and thrive in response?

3. Financial and Strategic Questions

Crucially, understand the startup's current finances and future strategies, including the amount of capital raised and its financial status. As for future strategies, understanding the growth plans, market expansion, and revenue targets is crucial.

For example: Could you provide an overview of your financial statements and funding history? or Could you share your revenue projections and targets for the next one to three years?

4. Questions about the Team and Leadership

Leadership within a startup plays a critical role in shaping and developing the company. You need to inquire about the founders' motivations for starting the business, their experience, and skills. Furthermore, assessing their development strategy and vision for the startup is crucial to determining whether you align with the company's direction.

You can ask: What inspired you to start this company, and what is your personal motivation behind it? How do the founders' backgrounds align with the startup's mission and vision? or What leadership style do you implement within the company?

5. Organizational and Company Culture Questions

Lastly, questions about the organizational structure, management procedures, and company culture help you gauge the startup's level of organization and professionalism. These questions will aid you in understanding whether you can leverage your skills effectively and if you'll be compatible with the company's working environment.

What methodologies or frameworks, such as Agile or Scrum, do you follow for project management and development? How does the company support employee well-being and work-life balance? or How do you ensure efficient communication and collaboration within the organization? will help you assess the startup's organization and cultural fit.


In meetings or information exchanges with startup founders, asking precise and flexible questions is key to gaining a deeper understanding of the project and evaluating whether it aligns with your objectives and values. After collecting enough data, carefully evaluate the opportunities and risks before deciding. Remember, joining a startup requires more than just enthusiasm and knowledge; it demands a well-informed understanding of the chosen project.

The list of questions to ask startup founders before joining provided by Aniday serves as a comprehensive overview to assist you in gaining insight into the business you intend to collaborate with.