How to Overcome Nervousness in Interviews

I believe many of us have experienced nervousness during interviews. However, it's essential to overcome nervousness in interviews. Lack of confidence during interviews, an inability to make eye contact with the interviewer, and speaking nervously or hesitantly can all affect the interview's success.

Social anxiety likely involves feelings of initial joy when receiving a job interview invitation, followed by nervousness and feeling overwhelmed. On the interview day, you strive to provide the best answers to the interviewer but end up too nervous to remember what you said. Regret follows.

Here are ten ways to overcome nervousness during interviews:

1. Objective Approach to Questions

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Social anxiety often involves being overly concerned about what others think while having high expectations for oneself. If you feel you didn't answer a question well during the interview, it may affect your mindset. However, it's essential to recognize that no one can provide perfect answers during interviews because there is no one correct answer. 

So, take an objective approach to the questions during the interview. Don't be too demanding of yourself to achieve near-perfection. If you believe your answer wasn't good, remind yourself not to overthink it and adjust your mindset to address the next question.

2. Thorough Preparation

If you lack confidence during interviews, thorough preparation before the interview can be beneficial. Typically, the beginning of an interview is when you're most likely to be nervous. Your self-introduction is the first part of the interview. 

Repeated practice before the interview can lead to a confident and successful start to the interview, helping you overcome nervousness throughout the process. If you have more time, you can find interview techniques and answer strategies, practice them at home, or even practice with friends to receive feedback.

3. Build Confidence

Confidence is the result of your real capabilities divided by your self-expectations. If your self-expectations significantly exceed your actual abilities, it can make you less confident in your abilities. Understanding and accepting your actual abilities and reducing your self-expectations can allow you to be more self-confident, and ultimately overcome nervousness as well.

Give yourself permission to fail and strive for a better performance in the next interview. You can enhance your communication skills to boost your self-confidence because self-confidence is essential to gaining others' trust.

4. Minimize Concern About Outcomes

The more you are concerned about the outcome, the more nervous you'll feel during an interview. A way to overcome nervousness is to learn to accept failure and adjust yourself promptly. Not performing well in an interview or failing an interview is entirely normal. Failing an interview does not mean you are a failure. Avoid dwelling on negative thoughts. While you may have failed the interview, you've gained valuable interview experience. Summarize your experiences and benefit from them in your future interviews.

5. Visualization and Relaxation Techniques

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Visualization: Imagine a successful interview scenario in detail. Visualize yourself confidently answering questions, connecting with the interviewer, and leaving a positive impression. This mental rehearsal can boost your self-assurance and reduce anxiety.

Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing by taking slow, deep breaths and exhaling slowly. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing each muscle group in your body to reduce physical tension. Mindfulness meditation helps you stay present and calm in the moment, which can help you overcome nervousness.

6. Dress for Success

Choose Your Outfit: Select your interview attire well in advance. Ensure your outfit is clean, well-fitted, and appropriate for the industry. Dressing professionally not only makes a good first impression but also boosts your self-confidence.

Personal Grooming: Pay attention to personal grooming. Cleanliness and neatness in your appearance can help you feel more composed and self-assured.

7. Mock Interviews

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Role Play: Practice mock interviews to simulate the real interview experience. Invite a friend or mentor to act as the interviewer and ask common interview questions. This allows you to practice your responses, get constructive feedback, and work on areas of improvement.

Record Yourself: You can also record these mock interviews to review your performance. Pay attention to your body language, tone of voice, and the clarity of your answers. This self-assessment can help you make necessary adjustments.

8. Body Language Awareness

Posture: Maintain good posture during the interview. Sit up straight, avoid slouching, and lean slightly forward to convey engagement and confidence.

Eye Contact: Make appropriate eye contact with the interviewer, but don't overdo it. This demonstrates your interest and attentiveness.

Handshake: Offer a firm and confident handshake when you first meet the interviewer. A strong handshake sets a positive tone for the interview.

9. Research the Company

Company Culture: Investigate the company's culture, values, and mission. Understanding the company's ethos can help you tailor your responses to align with their expectations.

Job Description: Study the job description thoroughly to identify the key skills and qualifications required. This knowledge enables you to provide relevant examples of your abilities during the interview.

10. Practice Positive Self-talk

Challenge Negative Thoughts: When you catch yourself thinking negatively or doubting your abilities, consciously challenge those thoughts. Remind yourself of your qualifications, experience, and past accomplishments.

Use Affirmations: Create and repeat positive affirmations, such as "I am well-prepared for this interview" or "I am confident in my abilities." These affirmations can help build self-assurance and overcome nervousness. Remember, your greatest enemy is yourself.

In Summary

It is normal to feel nervous during an interview, however, overcoming it is essential for success. By approaching questions objectively, preparing meticulously, building balanced confidence, and minimizing outcome concerns, you can effectively manage anxiety. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to improvement and extract valuable lessons from every experience. 

Additionally, utilize visualization, dress for success, practice mock interviews, and be mindful of body language to enhance your performance. Thorough research about the company and positive self-talk with affirmations can further bolster your self-belief.

In interviews, remember that nervousness is a common companion, but with the right strategies and a positive mindset, you can navigate the process with confidence and overcome nervousness. These techniques will not only help you succeed in interviews but also in your personal and professional growth journey.