Top 7 Methods and Key Metrics to Measure Workplace Culture

Workplace culture plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of any organization. A strong and positive culture can drive employee engagement, improve productivity, and enhance overall performance. However, understanding how to measure culture in the workplace can be challenging because it's intangible. In this blog, Aniday will explore why measuring company culture is essential and provide key metrics and the top seven methods to help you assess your workplace culture effectively.


How Measuring Company Culture Can Benefit Your Business

Company culture plays a pivotal role in shaping your organization's success. Here's why it matters:

1. Defines Identity

A unique and healthy corporate culture sets your organization apart, aligns employees with goals, and boosts productivity. Satisfied employees in a positive culture can improve productivity by up to 12%.

2. Identifies Areas for Improvement

Measuring your current culture using metrics and tools helps pinpoint areas in need of improvement. It also helps in proactively preventing negative behaviors from infiltrating your organization.

3. Attracts Top Talent

Job seekers increasingly consider company culture when choosing a job. Up to 88% of candidates prioritize it, and 15% have turned down offers due to poor culture. Many are willing to accept slightly lower pay for a better cultural fit.

4. Enhances Employee Retention

A positive company culture appreciates employee contributions, resulting in higher retention rates. Retaining top talent is cost-effective and allows you to focus on business growth.

5. Fosters Inclusivity

Inclusive workplaces are appealing to job seekers, with 80% seeking such employers. Inclusive environments not only attract the best talent but also drive profitability, with up to 400% revenue growth.

Why should you measure company culture?

Measuring company culture is crucial for several reasons:

  • Assessment and Improvement: Measuring culture provides insights into the current state of your organization's values, norms, and behaviors. It helps you identify areas that need improvement and track progress.

  • Alignment with Goals: It ensures that your culture aligns with your company's mission and objectives. A strong culture supports your strategic goals and decision-making.

  • Employee Satisfaction: Understanding your culture helps gauge employee satisfaction and engagement. Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with the company and perform at their best.

  • Talent Attraction and Retention: A positive culture attracts top talent and retains valuable employees, reducing turnover and recruitment costs.

  • Productivity and Innovation: A positive culture encourages creativity, teamwork, and higher output. In a happy work atmosphere, employees are more inclined to offer their best ideas and efforts.

  • Conflict Resolution: Culture assessments can highlight areas of potential conflict or sources of dissatisfaction, allowing you to address issues and maintain a harmonious workplace.

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: A well-defined culture guides decision-making processes, ensuring they are consistent with your organization's values.

  • Compliance and Ethics: Measuring culture helps in ensuring ethical conduct and compliance with company policies and industry regulations.

Key Metrics to Track Your Company Culture


Maintaining a healthy company culture is a wise long-term investment with numerous benefits. To effectively gauge it, consider these essential metrics:

1. Retention Rates and Referrals

Employee retention rates and referrals are excellent indicators of your company culture. A positive employee experience encourages long-term commitment and referrals to attract top talent.

2. Turnover Rates

High turnover rates signal potential issues, including negative company culture. Most employees seek job stability, so tracking turnover is crucial.

3. Engagement and Collaboration

Daily interactions, project collaborations, and employee competition reflect your company's culture. Smooth communication and collaboration across teams indicate a healthy culture.

4. Innovation and Productivity Rates

A positive company culture that values effort leads to improved innovation and productivity. You can link these metrics to culture through surveys and questionnaires.

Top 7 Methods to Measure Your Company Culture


Now that you know why measuring workplace culture is essential and what key metrics to track, let's explore the top seven methods to measure your company culture:

1. Employee Surveys

Employee surveys are a popular and effective method to measure workplace culture. Create anonymous surveys that include questions about job satisfaction, values alignment, and overall perceptions of the culture. Analyze the responses to identify trends and areas that need improvement.

2. Focus Groups

Conduct focus group sessions with employees from different departments and levels. Encourage open discussions about the culture, values, and daily experiences. This qualitative approach provides more in-depth insights into the culture.

3. Employee Feedback Channels

Implement and promote channels for ongoing employee feedback, such as suggestion boxes, regular one-on-one meetings, or dedicated communication platforms. Encourage employees to share their concerns, suggestions, and experiences.

4. Leadership Assessment

Evaluate how well your leadership teams exemplify and promote the desired culture. Leadership behavior should align with the organization's values and goals. Consider using 360-degree feedback for leadership assessments.

5. Observational Assessment

Walk through your workplace and observe the physical environment, interactions, and daily practices. Take note of how employees collaborate, communicate, and whether the physical workspace reflects the desired culture.

6. Cultural Artifacts Review

Examine the written materials and artifacts that represent your culture, including mission statements, values statements, employee handbooks, and posters. Ensure that these materials are aligned with the actual culture and employee experiences.

7. Performance Metrics Analysis

Review key performance metrics related to culture, such as employee turnover rates, absenteeism, and engagement scores. Changes in these metrics can indicate shifts in your workplace culture.

8. Pulse Surveys

Conduct short, frequent pulse surveys to track changes in employee sentiment and culture over time. These surveys can help you identify trends and address issues promptly.


Measuring culture in the workplace is essential for understanding, improving, and maintaining a healthy work environment. Aniday  will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this crucial aspect of organizational success:

1. What are the types of company culture?

There are various types of company culture, each defining different approaches to create a better workplace environment. These types include:

  • Collaborative (Clan) Culture

  • Creative (Adhocracy) Culture

  • Control (Hierarchy) Culture

  • Compete (Market) Culture

  • Customer-Driven Culture

  • Purpose Culture

  • Role-Based Culture

  • Task-Oriented Culture

2. What are the most common company culture challenges?

Company culture may encounter several obstacles, which can also serve as indicators for culture improvement. The most frequent challenges include:

  • Unhealthy competition among employees

  • Emphasis on hierarchy and control

  • Resistance to culture change

  • Clashes and conflicts

  • Low morale and urgency

  • Inadequate communication


Measuring workplace culture is a critical step toward building a healthy, engaged, and productive workforce. By tracking key metrics and using various methods, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their culture and make informed decisions to improve it. 

Aniday believe that information on "how to measure culture in the workplace" will increase employee satisfaction, enhance productivity, and make the workplace more attractive to top talents. Make an effort to measure and fine-tune your culture, and the result will be a thriving organization.