How to Apply for a Job in Vietnam’s Top Companies as an International Student

Are you an international student who wants to work in Vietnam after graduation? If so, you’re not alone. According to the “Campus Recruitment Reports” by Aniday, the number of active students in the early bird season of 2021 and 2023 graduates increased by 94.3% compared to the same period for the 2010 graduates, nearly doubling. This shows that more and more international students are interested in working in Vietnam instead of seeking overseas work experience.

Why is this? One possible reason is that the pandemic has made traveling and working abroad more difficult and risky. Another possible reason is that Vietnam offers many opportunities and advantages for international students who want to start their careers here. Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, with a vibrant and diverse market. Vietnam also has a rich and diverse culture, with friendly and hospitable people. Working in Vietnam can help you gain valuable experience, skills, and connections that can benefit your future career.

However, working in Vietnam as an international student also comes with some challenges. You may face language barriers, cultural differences, visa issues, or competition from local candidates. You may also have to adapt to different work styles and industry trends than what you’re used to. How can you overcome these challenges and land your dream job in one of Vietnam’s top companies? Here are some tips to help you prepare and succeed.

International Students with Relevant Experience Attract the Most Attention

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One of the most important factors that employers look for in candidates is relevant work experience. Having relevant work experience shows that you have the skills, knowledge, and passion for the job. It also shows that you can apply what you learned in school to real-world situations.

As an international student, you have many opportunities to gain relevant work experience in Vietnam or abroad. You can look for internships, projects, research opportunities, or volunteer work that match your interests and goals. You can use platforms like Aniday or Internship Network to search for internship opportunities that suit your needs. You can also join clubs or societies on campus or online that relate to your field of study or industry.

These experiences can help you develop and demonstrate various skills and qualities that employers value, such as communication skills, teamwork skills, problem-solving skills, creativity skills, leadership skills, or intercultural skills. Make sure to highlight these skills and qualities on your resume and cover letter, as well as during interviews.

A Highly Matched Resume and Cover Letter for the Applied Position

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Another important factor that employers look for in candidates is how well they match the position’s requirements. Employers want to see that you have the qualifications, abilities, and interests that match the job. This is where your resume and cover letter come in.

Your resume should clearly and concisely highlight your qualifications, skills, experiences, and achievements that are relevant to the job. Make sure to tailor your resume for each job application, focusing on the requirements listed in the job description.

Your cover letter should complement your resume by providing more details and examples of your relevant experiences. It should also express your interest in the job and the company, and explain why you would be a good fit for the position.

There are many resources available online that can help you write effective resumes and cover letters, such as templates, guides, and courses. You can also seek feedback from career advisors, mentors, or peers to improve your documents.

Adapt to Vietnam’s Work Style and Gain Industry Knowledge

Working in a different country can be a challenging but rewarding experience. You will need to adapt to different work styles, customs, and norms. You will also need to understand the industry trends and developments in Vietnam.

One way to adapt to Vietnam’s work style is to learn from locals. Try to observe and learn from your Vietnamese colleagues or friends. Ask them about their work habits, communication styles, and expectations. Be open-minded and respectful of differences.

To gain industry knowledge, you can read industry reports, attend industry events, or follow industry news and blogs. You can also network with industry professionals through LinkedIn or industry associations.

Remember that adapting to a new work culture takes time and patience. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes or face challenges. Keep learning and growing, and you will become more comfortable and competent over time.

As international students, the independent living and thinking habits we develop during our studies abroad become a natural advantage in our job search process. Of course, thorough preparation before applying will significantly increase our chances of getting our dream job. Why not seize this opportunity? Tailor your efforts to meet specific requirements, and I believe you can definitely land your dream job and company!

In a Nutshell

In conclusion, being an international student seeking employment in Vietnam may seem daunting at first due to cultural differences and competition. However, with the right mindset, preparation, and resources, you can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Remember that every experience is a learning opportunity that brings you one step closer to your career goals. So keep exploring, keep learning, and keep striving for success! Good luck with your job search!