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Perplexity - Next Generation Conversational AI

Perplexity - Next Generation Conversational AI

AI Chat, AI Research & Analysis, AI Productivity, AI Fun App, AI Assistant


Diverse sources of information systems User-friendly and easy to use interface Allows image uploading to the application

I. About Perplexity AI

1. What is Perplexity AI?

What is Perplexity AI?

What is Perplexity AI?

Perplexity AI is a chatbot application that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) technology, functioning as a search tool to answer all queries from users across various fields. With its perfect information processing ability, Perplexity AI has received high praise from technology experts.

Among the many chatbots currently on the market, Perplexity AI is considered to have strong growth potential. In addition to answering user questions, the application also offers additional supplementary features.

2. Perplexity AI Users

Perplexity AI Users

Perplexity AI Users

Anyone can use Perplexity AI as the application provides an abundance of high-quality information. Not only does it supply comprehensive information, Perplexity AI can also understand clearly the intent behind human language expressions through natural commands.

3. Perplexity AI and Key Features

Perplexity AI and Key Features

Perplexity AI and Key Features

  • Using Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Multi-platform data sources

  • Excellent translation capabilities with over 100 languages

  • Ability to write authentic content such as emails, letters or greeting cards

II. Guide to registering and using Perplexity AI

1. Instructions for registering with Perplexity AI

Access Perplexity AI at this link. Choose Sign Up, you can use available accounts like Google or Apple to register. After successful registration, you can use Perplexity AI.

2. Instructions for using Perplexity AI

After registering, return to the Perplexity AI homepage, here are some points to note:

On the left sidebar:

  • Discover: A section featuring prominent posts on topics like technology, AI, updated with latest content. This section contains a lot of valuable knowledge you should browse.

  • Library: Displays your search history with Perplexity AI.

Perplexity AI's Interface

Perplexity AI's Interface



In the search field:

  • Focus: There are multiple formats you can search for answers from.
  • Attach: Allows you to attach images to ask Perplexity AI.

Select the Response Format

Select the Response Format

2.1 All

Suggest aggregating all forms of information from various global sources. Enter your command or keyword into the blank field, enable All mode and wait for Perplexity AI to return results for you.

Perplexity AI All

Perplexity AI - All

2.2 Academic

Suggest academic information on the topic you are searching for. Enter the subject you need to research for your essay or project into the search field, noting to enable Academic mode. The results will be collected from published academic articles and papers.

Perplexity AI Academic

Perplexity AI Academic

2.3 Writing

Suggest writing styles based on your needs. Enter the type of content you want to create in the field, and select Writing. For example below, Perplexity AI is describing to the user how to write a reasonable job application email.

Perplexity AI Writing

Perplexity AI Writing

2.5 Youtube

Suggest related videos for the keyword you are searching for. Similar to above, you can enter the video keyword you want to search for in the blank field and enable the YouTube format so the system can understand your request.

Perplexity AI Youtube

Perplexity AI Youtube

2.4 WolframAlpha

Perplexity AI integrates with WolframAlpha to provide answers with structured computationally complex calculations. You can also enter your search query and wait for the answer within a few seconds.

Perplexity AI WolframAlpha

Perplexity AI WolframAlpha

2.6 Reddit

If you want to know what society is saying about the topic you are interested in, you can use Perplexity AI to search for related comments. Enter your search query and enable the Reddit mode.

Perplexity AI Reddit

Perplexity AI Reddit

III. Pricing of Perplexity AI

With the regular version of Perplexity AI, you can still use it without any cost. However, with Perplexity AI Pro you will have to pay a certain fee, which means you will have more access privileges and be able to use upgraded features. Depending on your abilities and needs, you can make the choice that best suits you.

Perplexity AI Pro

Perplexity AI Pro

IV. Advantages and Limitations of Perplexity AI


  • Diverse sources of information systems

  • User-friendly and easy to use interface

  • Allows image uploading to the application


  • English is required

  • Slower speed compared to many other chatbots

V. Overall Evaluation of Perplexity AI

  • Ease of use and familiarization with the tool: In general, this is a very easy to use tool, almost anyone can use it.

  • Applicability in practice: Perplexity AI has high practical applicability and can be used in many cases, especially in today's era of advanced technology development.