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Ray & Berndtson - Recruitment agency27194

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Ray & Berndtson delivers worldwide executive search solutions. For over three decades, Ray & Berndtson has been a top 10 global executive search firm. Founded in 1965, our firm draws on a consultant network with a vast pool of experience that goes back four and a half decades and spans 55 offices in 35 countries across the globe. While retaining its name in select locations, our business model has undergone a change to respond to new business realities. This model is different from most of our competitors and the local mass-market recruitment firms. Across global locations, we seek to establish a model that allows Partners to retain their individual identities, while establishing a partnership with Ray & Berndtson. This provides us the opportunity to be more flexible and responsive to our clients’ unique needs and strengthens our credo of being a ‘truly global yet deeply local’ executive search firm.



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