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Hoan My Medical Corporation
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Phòng 1103, Maritime Bank Tower, Lầu 11, Số 180-192,P.Nguyễn Thái Bình, Nguyễn Công Trứ, Q.1
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0 vacancy

CompanyHoan My Medical Corporation

About US

Hoan My Medical Corporation, together with its network of subsidiary hospitals and clinics, is Vietnam’s leading and largest private healthcare network (“Hoan My” or “Hoan My Group”). Hoan My Group’s integrated healthcare network includes more than 2,800 operating beds across fifteen hospitals and eleven clinics. Over its 20-years history, Hoan My has built a strong and well-recognised brand with a consistent reputation for delivering affordable, quality healthcare. We are committed to improving the quality of healthcare in Vietnam. We strive to increase national healthcare standards to contribute to the prosperity and wellbeing of the nation. Our network employs over 5,500 staff and hosts 3.8 million out-patients visits every year.

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