What is Brainstorm? How to Do Brainstorm Effectively

Brainstorming is a creative method that helps generate many new and unique ideas to solve specific problems. Additionally, brainstorming can be applied to both groups and individuals to maximize their cognitive potential.

To gain a clear understanding of what is brainstorm, its origin, its role, and the process of effective implementation, let's explore these aspects in this article by Aniday.

The Origin of Brainstorming

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The concept of brainstorming was developed by Alex Osborn, a renowned advertiser, in the 1930s. He noticed that when his team gathered to discuss advertising ideas, they often constrained their thinking and were hesitant to offer different opinions.

To overcome this, he introduced a simple rule: "No criticism." According to this rule, every member of the group was encouraged to express any idea that came to mind, regardless of how unconventional or eccentric it may seem, without the fear of criticism or rebuttal. This approach led to the creation of more creative and effective ideas within his team.

The Role of Brainstorming

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After learning about what brainstorming is, Aniday will provide you with insights into its role:

For Groups:

  • Leverage the diversity and complementarity of group members.
  • Create a collaborative and comfortable atmosphere.
  • Examine the problem from multiple angles.
  • Discover potential and relevant solutions.
  • Foster the connection and development of ideas.
  • Enhance creativity and innovation.

For Individuals:

  • Overcome stereotyping and lack of confidence in thinking.
  • Encourage freedom and flexibility in thought.
  • Expand and enrich your knowledge, exploring new and intriguing directions.
  • Practice and improve your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Brainstorming Implementation Process

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To effectively engage in brainstorming, it's essential to follow a specific process, encompassing the following five steps:

Step 1: Identify the Problem

This initial step is crucial in the brainstorming process, as it provides guidance for subsequent stages. You must precisely define the problem that requires resolution, the objectives to be achieved, and the problem's scope. Additionally, you should determine the participants in the brainstorming session, along with the time and location.

Step 2: Clearly Define the Rules

For effective and smooth brainstorming, clear rules for participants must be established. Some fundamental rules include:

  • Avoid criticizing or judging others' opinions.
  • Encourage freedom and flexibility of thought.
  • Strive to generate as many ideas as possible; there is no limit.
  • Embrace diverse and unique viewpoints.
  • Build upon and expand upon the ideas of others.

Step 3: Discuss and Note Down Opinions

This step serves as the focal point of the brainstorming process, during which participants discuss and contribute their ideas. Various support tools, such as whiteboards, sticky notes, pens, projectors, etc., can be used to record comments. It is advisable to appoint a moderator to maintain the group's focus and discipline.

Step 4: Refine Ideas

Following the generation of a list of ideas in step 3, it is necessary to filter and eliminate ideas that are irrelevant, impractical, or misaligned with the objectives. Idea filtering methods, such as voting, ranking, classification, etc., can be employed for this purpose.

Step 5: Evaluate, Develop, and Draw Conclusions

This final step in the brainstorming process involves evaluating the remaining ideas from step 4 to select the best ones and develop them into comprehensive solutions to the problem. Additionally, it is essential to draw conclusions and report the results of the brainstorming process, along with the subsequent steps for implementing the solution.

What Should You Avoid When Brainstorming?

After gaining an understanding of what brainstorming is, along with its origin, role, and implementation process, Aniday will highlight some pitfalls to avoid during this process, such as:

  • Inadequate preparation before brainstorming.
  • Lack of clear definition of the problem, objectives, and scope.
  • Failure to establish clear rules for participants.
  • Neglecting to create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere for participants.
  • Failure to take organized and clear notes.
  • Biased or unfair objective filtering.
  • Insufficient evaluation and development of ideas.
  • Failure to present clear and comprehensive conclusions and results.


Brainstorming is a creative technique that facilitates the generation of numerous fresh and innovative ideas to address specific problems. To conduct brainstorming effectively, following a structured process involving five key steps is essential: identifying the problem, establishing clear rules, discussing and recording ideas, refining ideas, and evaluating, developing, and drawing conclusions. Simultaneously, it is crucial to avoid common pitfalls that may hinder the effectiveness of the brainstorming process.

In conclusion, this exploration of brainstorming has shed light on its origin, significance, and the essential steps to harness its creative power effectively. Aniday hope that the information can help you understand “what is brainstorm” and how navigating its structured process can unlock a world of innovative solutions for both individuals and groups. 


Alex F. Osborn: The Father of Brainstorming. (skymark.com)