What is ASP.NET? A comprehensive guide to ASP.NET from A to Z.

ASP.NET is a programming language developed by Microsoft that allows you to build dynamic, interactive, and feature-rich web applications. Therefore, this platform is widely used nowadays. So what is ASP.NET? Let's find out together with Aniday in this article!

Definition of ASP.NET

định nghĩa asp.net

To start the article, let's understand what ASP.NET is. ASP.NET is a server-side web technology, which means that the source code of web pages runs on the web server before sending the results back to the user's browser.

Additionally, ASP.NET uses .NET programming languages such as C#, VB.NET, or F# to write web pages, which can be combined with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies.

Basic Structure

Next, let's explore the basic structure of ASP.NET. It consists of two main programming models: Web Forms and MVC (Model-View-Controller).

  • Web Forms (traditional model): It involves designing the user interface by dragging and dropping controls onto web forms and writing event handling code for them.
  • MVC (modern model): Based on the MVC design pattern, it separates the web application into three components: Model (data), View (interface), and Controller (logic processing). This allows you to write web applications in a clear, flexible, and maintainable manner.

Features of ASP.NET

đặc điểm của asp.net 

To understand what ASP.NET is, Aniday will share with you some features of ASP.NET:

Separation of Code-behind

  • It has a code-behind feature that allows you to separate the source code of web pages from the HTML code.
  • It makes source code easier to read, manage, and reuse.

State Management

  • It uses mechanisms such as session, cookie, view state, or cache to manage the state of web applications.
  • It stores and retrieves information related to users, sessions, or applications.


  • It allows storing frequently used data or objects in the web server's memory.
  • It improves the speed and performance of web applications, reduces loading time, and saves server resources.

Why should you use ASP.NET?

What are the advantages of ASP.NET that make it highly recommended? ASP.NET has several advantages compared to other web technologies, such as:

  • Supported by Microsoft, a leading company in information technology, known for its high reputation and reliability.
  • It supports various .NET programming languages, depending on your preferences and experience.
  • It has many tools and libraries for web development, such as Visual Studio, .NET Framework, Entity Framework, LINQ, ASP.NET Core, or Blazor.
  • It offers advanced features and technologies like AJAX, Web Services, Web API, SignalR, Identity, or Razor Pages.
  • It has a strong and enthusiastic community of developers who support each other, with abundant documentation, courses, and online resources.

How does ASP.NET differ from PHP?

màn hình hiển thị ngôn ngữ lập trình php

ASP.NET and PHP are two popular web technologies today, with similarities and differences. Here are some key comparisons:



  • Web programming platform that allows you to use multiple languages.
  • Developed and professionally supported by Microsoft.
  • Runs on Microsoft's IIS web server, requiring the Windows operating system.
  • Higher performance than PHP as it is pre-compiled.
  • Performance optimization, such as memory caching or state management.
  • Higher security than PHP, with various Microsoft security technologies and standards like SSL, HTTPS, or Identity.
  • Web programming language with a single language.
  • Open-source project with contributions from the community.
  • Runs on web servers like Apache or Nginx and can run on various operating systems.
  • ower performance than PHP as it is interpreted.
  • Self-built security mechanisms or the use of external libraries.


Should you learn ASP.NET or PHP?

To delve deeper into what ASP.NET is, Aniday will answer the question of whether you should learn ASP.NET or PHP. The choice between learning ASP.NET or PHP depends on various factors such as your goals, preferences, experience, and budget. Here are some recommendations. You should learn ASP.NET if:

  • You want to work on large, complex web projects that require high performance and security.
  • You already have experience with .NET languages like C# or VB.NET.

You should choose PHP if:

  • You want to work on small, simple web projects with fewer performance and security requirements.
  • You want to save costs in web development since PHP is open-source and free, and PHP web hosting is generally cheaper than ASP.NET.

Career Path of ASP.NET Developer

After understanding what ASP.NET is, let's explore the career path. To become a professional ASP.NET developer, you need to have a solid understanding of the following knowledge and skills:

  • Programming Language: Choose one of the three languages supported by ASP.NET: C#, VB.NET, or J#. C# is the most popular and modern choice.
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These are fundamental technologies for creating web interfaces. You need to know how to use them to create visually appealing and user-friendly web pages.
  • ASP.NET Web Forms: Used to create dynamic web pages using server controls that are either built-in or custom-created. You can write event handling code for these controls using your chosen programming language.
  • ASP.NET MVC: Creating dynamic web pages following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which helps separate the application's components and enhances security, scalability, and maintainability. You can use tools like Razor, Bootstrap, and jQuery for UI creation and logic processing.
  • ASP.NET Web API: Creating RESTful web services that allow other applications to communicate with your web application via HTTP. You can use technologies like JSON, XML, and OAuth for data exchange and authentication.
  • Database: Designing, querying, and managing databases to store and process data for your web application. Use database management systems like SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, or MongoDB.
  • Other Technologies: It's also beneficial to learn other web development-related technologies like AJAX, LINQ, Entity Framework, SignalR, Blazor, and .NET Core to enhance your web application development skills.


ASP.NET is a powerful and flexible web programming platform that enables you to build diverse web applications to meet user needs. To learn and work with ASP.NET, you need knowledge and skills in various technologies, from programming languages and web interfaces to databases and web services.

We hope this Aniday article has helped you gain a better understanding of what ASP.NET is and the career path to becoming a professional ASP.NET developer.