How to attract talents?

For any organization, manpower is also the most necessary and important resource, which has a decisive role in the profit and development of the company. Human resources, especially high-quality human resources, have experience, skills, dynamism, creativity, ... to impact other resources and connect people to serve the needs of the development of organizations and businesses. It can be said that talented human resources are the driving force of the development of a business as well as creating a "unique substance" for that business.

Creative ideas and solutions, thereby contributing a lot to the process of creating benefits for businesses. Not only that, but these are also people with good vision, capable of leading, leading, and having It can motivate other personnel in the business. Attracting talent is the process of finding skilled labor resources suitable to the needs of the organization and meeting any labor requirements. , it is a process of hunting candidates, screening, recruiting personnel, and even continuing to monitor candidates who have not been selected to be able to recruit them when meeting the right position in the right position. In the future. Therefore, developing policies to attract talents effectively is something that needs to be extremely concerned and focused on by the business.

Commitment to training and bringing what personnel

For an effective policy of attracting talents for businesses, it is impossible not to mention the implementation of training and professional training courses for employees. Through these programs, employees update more knowledge needed to work better and more productivity. This is also the way businesses support employees in identifying goals, and seizing opportunities for promotion and career development besides, many businesses also create conditions for employees to meet and talk to leading experts in the same field to acquire more effective practical experiences.

In addition, many businesses also create conditions for employees to meet and exchange with leading experts in the same field to acquire more effective practical experiences.

The competitive environment in the company

For potential candidates, besides attractive income, what they want most is to find for themselves a working environment to help develop themselves as well as bring sustainable and long-term values. . A company is identified as "good" not only committed to the salary worthy of the capacity of personnel but also shows that this is an extremely potential workplace, promising to bring innovation steps to people. 

When being used in a 'competitive' 'environment, it will help talented candidates because most of them are challenging. Thereby, encourages each person to make more efforts to achieve their achievements and complete the assigned work, even gain unexpected achievements thanks to the competition of work to win.

Determine the exact criteria to recruit

Recruitment criteria are a combination of knowledge, skills, and behaviors to be able to complete a specific job in a specific environment. Each business will have its recruitment criteria, to attract talents, businesses need to set recruitment questions and identify specific jobs, carefully consider to select the decisive factors that are determining the factors. The success of that job.

To have a set of accurate recruitment criteria and applied in practice, employers need to consult information from many different sources of information such as the person in charge of the work, the direct staff, and the description of the public. work, work criteria, ... From the above information sources, the employer summarizes and prepares a work analysis and analytical table of the work environment. Based on that, employers set up a table of personnel recruitment criteria.

Working with professional applications

The first impression of the candidate for businesses is an extremely important thing, talented faces always require a professional environment, respect, and appreciation of their ability. Treating candidates as those who "apply for a job" not only makes them feel stressed, does not show their ability but also affects the image of the business. After the interview, they are willing to share negative experiences about businesses with their friends and colleagues. Therefore, fair and professional treatment for all candidates, ensures that any candidate's profile is considered and received official feedback from the business.

Have good remuneration

Pay salary based on work efficiency

In the policy of attracting talents of the business, one of the most concerning factors is how to pay employees is worthy and suitable for the company's conditions. In the context of harsh competition not only in the market but also in terms of quality resources today, employers are forced to develop an attractive salary and bonus policy based on work efficiency. In this way, potential candidates will feel that the salary they receive is satisfactory to their ability and they can get more if they do good deeds.

Through the calculation of salary by work performance, the business will give employees a sense of satisfaction and make talented people want to stick with the company longer, and eliminate employees with bad working results For a certain period.

Pay all kinds of allowances

Perform all types of allowances in the working process such as travel expenses, parking, lunch, work equipment, ... are a factor worth paying attention to in the process of building policies to attract multiplication Fortune for business today. This shows that businesses are always interested in their employees and increase the time between them and the company. In addition to these necessary expenses, many businesses also apply regimes such as giving vouchers, and discount vouchers for employees when they use the company's services and products.

Apply a bonus mode in advance or conditional

This is a form of reward with several mandatory conditions for employees. If the task is not completed, employees may be recovered. In this way, businesses can "recruit" more talents from other companies. In addition, the company can also follow a different way that the business "hangs" employees and will pay them within the deadline as committed.

Building positive corporate culture

Besides good remuneration, corporate culture is a particularly important factor in building a solid foundation for businesses. Building a team of employees in the same direction with separate cultural values ​​to help attract and retain talent in the business most effectively. A recruiting brand with an unstable cultural platform will lose points in the eyes of candidates. On the contrary, when culture is positive and strong enough, businesses are easier to recruit potential people to create value and profits for themselves. Once you love and feel suitable for corporate culture, candidates are not only attracted but also want to stick with your business for a long time.

Talents in the business play a very important role in the success or failure of the business itself. Therefore, developing a policy to attract talents effectively is a priority to prepare carefully to find the best candidates for your organization. Recrueery wishes to share aspects and factors to support businesses in recruiting talents as well as sustainable development in the future.


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