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Resource Bridge India - Recruitment agency28124

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Resource Bridge is a specialized and unique executive search firm based out of India. We focus exclusively on 2 roles only - CEO and CFO. Our sharp focus and specialization helps us to deliver a sharp, wow experience to our clients. Founded with the objective of being the link between dynamic organizations and global talent. As organizations, including smaller ones, become more global not only in their operations but also in their talent mix, we want to be the natural talent partner who will help them hire the best there is. Founded in 2004, we have been successful closing numerous business critical hires with Fortune 500 MNCs operating in India, as well as large Indian conglomerates. We have worked across retail, e-commerce, realty, professional services and industrials spaces. Our clients prefer to work with us due to the great blend of advisory inputs drawn from our strategy consulting background, higher level of partner time for every mandate, leading to high level of senior management time that is invested in every search, and a go-get attitude that helps to search out the right talent, wherever they may be.



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