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Zamo Tech
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MOffice Bulding, 373-375 Nguyễn Trọng Tuyển, Street, Ward 2, Tân Bình, Hồ Chí Minh
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CompanyZamo Tech

About US

- Thời gian làm việc: 9h - 18h từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6. - Địa chỉ: Lầu 4: MOffice Bulding, 373-375 Nguyễn Trọng Tuyển, Street, Ward 2, Tân Bình, Hồ Chí Minh -------------------------- ZAMO TECH is a Vietnamese based firm established in 2016 that provide high-performance  solutions to put your technical development needs on track.  We work behind the scenes to help our clients to achieve their business goals by delivering  services that simplify  and streamline your IT environment for operational excellence


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Extra health insurance Extra health insurance
Performance bonus Performance bonus
Travel/company trips Travel/company trips
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