Upskills Việt Nam
Icon website Website
Icon location Address
27A Hoàng Việt, P4, Q.Tân Bình
Icon employee Number of employees
10-50 person
Icon Vacancies Number of vacancies
2 vacancy

CompanyUpskills Việt Nam

About US

Upskills provides expert financial software consulting and integration for banks in Asia

Upskills provides expert financial software consulting for leading financial institutions in the Asia Pacific region and Europe. Our company was founded in 2009 in Singapore by financial software experts with a deep knowledge of capital markets and a long experience in capital market software. The company has expanded its presence into Malaysia, Hong Kong and France.

We have developed a wide range of software consulting services across the investment bank’s departments. We also propose from our Upskills Lab in Vietnam a range of technology services that include financial software development and integration. Across all our departments and regions, the company’s strong collaborative mindset fosters the culture of expertise that best serves our clients’ interests.


13th month salary 13th month salary
Extra health insurance Extra health insurance
Performance bonus Performance bonus
Laptop/desktop for works Laptop/desktop for works
Travel/company trips Travel/company trips
Yearly salary review Yearly salary review
Full social insurance Full social insurance

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