Confidence Infrastructure
Icon website Website
Icon location Address
Monem Business District, East Tower (8th & 9th Floor), 111 Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road 1205 Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
Icon employee Number of employees
1K-5K person
Icon Vacancies Number of vacancies
2 vacancy

CompanyConfidence Infrastructure

About US

Confidence Infrastructure, an engineering power house under Confidence Group has been instrumental in contributing to the growth of the country since its inception in 2002, and strives to build a stronger nation every day.

From giant towers to small pole fittings, Confidence Infrastructure caters to the vast, ever-increasing demands in the arena of engineering in local and international markets.

Our product diversity includes SPC Pole, SPC Piles, Steel Poles, Transmission Towers, Steel Cross Arm, Line Hardwire, Pole Fittings, Transformer, Telecom Tower, Pole, Monopole and Geotextile. We are the pioneer manufacturer of Transmission Line Towers. We have been successfully manufacturing 33 KV power distribution towers, 132 KV, 230 KV and 400 KV power transmission towers. We also manufacture Street Light Poles, Steel Bridges and Steel and RCC Slippers for Railway.

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