Amigo Technologies JSC
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🏠 Trụ sở HN: Tầng 10, tòa nhà văn phòng IPH số 241 Xuân Thủy, Dịch Vọng Hậu, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội - 🏠 Chi nhánh HCM: Tầng 5, tòa nhà Jea Building, 112 Lý Chính Thắng, Phường Võ Thị Sáu, Quận 3, TP. Hồ Chí Minh
Icon employee Number of employees
51-200 person
Icon Vacancies Number of vacancies
4 vacancy

CompanyAmigo Technologies JSC

About US

Amigo Technologies (Amigo-Tech) is a technology company dedicated in providing IT solutions, equipments, and services for various industries with a special focus on the banking and financial service sector, public administrations and medium- small enterprises.

With our strategic focus on being "A trusted partner in our customers' digital transformation journey", we are committed to always prioritizing integrity.

By continuously investing in technology, enhancing our team's capabilities, improving service quality, and expanding our global partner network, AMIGO is confident in delivering optimal technology solutions, professional services, and world-class experiences to our customers.


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