Elite Consultants - Recruitment agency27201

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Elite Consultants is a professionally managed Recruitment Consultant focusing on the growing needs of recruiting industry professionals matching with client requirements. Backed by the team of experienced recruitment professionals, Elite Consultants specializes on staffing solutions like Permanent Staffing, Temporary Staffing, Executive Staffing and IT staffing. Values & Beliefs: We believe in adding value to our clients. We attempt to identify candidates that meet our clients' requirements to the best of our ability. We attempt to enhance the effectiveness of our client’s recruitment operations by providing the most appropriate referrals and support with information in line with their requirements. We believe in conducting our business with honesty and professional integrity. We never solicit candidates from our clients (not even indirectly), we don't refer candidates with doubtful integrity to our clients and we conduct our business with utmost transparency. We are careful in choosing our clients - we work closely with companies that appreciate our values. And we take equal care in recommending candidates to our clients; only when we are convinced that the candidate will align with our client's culture & value system and deliver value in the long term do we refer them to our clients

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