Tips Use Bullet Points to Craft a CV That Wins Recruiters

If you want your dream job in a competitive market, you'll need a guide on using bullet points to create a clear and engaging resume. This article will show you how to effectively use bullet points in every section of your resume, from personal details to skills and honors.

Bullet points can make your resume easier to read and highlight your most relevant experiences and achievements. Presenting your resume with bullet points can help you increase the chances of recruiters or HR professionals taking notice and shortlisting you. Learn more about using bullet points in your resume effectively in this article with Aniday.

When to Use Bullet Points in Your Resume?

A standard resume typically includes the following bullet points (subject to flexibility)

Personal Information

Ensure you've included contact information; otherwise, recruiters won't be able to reach you. Including a professional photo in your resume is also recommended.


If you have other relevant experiences, you may skip listing all your courses and focus on those related to the job you're applying for.

Internship/Work Experience

This is the most valued section as it clearly demonstrates your suitability for the job and showcases your work capabilities. Present this section in bullet points and sub-bullet points.


This complements your work experience, providing a detailed insight into specific skills and achievements. Additional details about completed projects at your workplace can be added as sub-bullet points under the work experience section.

School Activities

If you have significant work experience or involvement in notable projects, you can either skip this section or minimize the information.

Skills and Awards

List professional skills and awards relevant to the job you're applying for. You can also include passions or hobbies that showcase your unique personality.

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Returning to the question of when to use bullet points, the answer is: Besides personal information, you should use bullet points in every section, especially in the internship/work experience section. This approach will make your resume stand out, creating a clear and organized structure that attracts recruiters to continue reading.

Bullet points are particularly crucial for the work experience and project participation sections. When recruiters review resumes, they pay significant attention to work experience. Moreover, using straightforward language emphasizes the most crucial information when writing your resume.

Most Effective Methods for Using Bullet Points

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Present concisely.

To maximize bullet points, clearly state each point. Ideally, each point should be one short sentence, max two sentences.

Use numbers to highlight experience and results.

Numbers make your bullet points more engaging and credible by showing work impact. Bullet points also help concisely present metrics like durations, volumes, and percentages.

For example:

  • Instead of saying "worked as a new media executive", say "over 15 months of experience as a new media executive."

  • Instead of saying "wrote highly viewed articles", say "wrote over 30 articles with over 20,000 views each on average."

Numbers can also indicate how you improved or achieved something, like "follower count increased by 180%." Bullet points save resume space while directly conveying key highlights to quickly grab recruiter attention.

Pay attention to bullet point formatting

If your bullet point lead-ins are phrases, you can use bullet points without punctuation. But if using full sentences, use a period at the end of each lead-in. Consistent punctuation makes you appear more professional.

Avoid flashy bullet point styles

When creating a resume, you'll find varied bullet point styles, but stick to classic dots or circles. Your resume doesn't need excessive formatting or flashy design - simple bullet point formatting keeps recruiters focused on content.

Finally, ensure no formatting issues when uploading or emailing your resume to employers.


In conclusion, this covers effectively using bullet points in your resume. Bullet points can help recruiters quickly identify key information and create a clear, professional format. Your experiences and achievements can be highlighted with numbers, emphasizing most important points and reducing unnecessary detail. In interviews, you can then delve deeper into these highlighted points. Let bullet points summarize your highlights in the resume!

Aniday hopes this post helped you better understand creating a stronger resume to impress interviewers. Best of luck with your resume-building and interviewing!