Should You Job Hop at the Beginning of the Year?

Jumping jobs at the beginning or end of the year is always a difficult decision and worth considering. Some people believe that job hopping during this time means you've traded away all your efforts throughout the past year.

Through this article, Aniday hopes to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of whether or not it's suitable to change jobs at the beginning of the year.

Is the beginning of the year the right time to change jobs?

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Based on Aniday's practical experience in the job market over the years and the assessments of recruitment market experts, in any country or market, whether with few or many companies, there are personnel changes at the beginning of the year or after the Lunar New Year holiday. Why do these changes happen? Let's look at a few reasons:

- First, people, including job seekers, have had a relatively long Lunar New Year break. During this time, there is enough time to release negative energies accumulated over the past year. This period is when you are ready to experience a new workplace with new colleagues.

- Second, if your intended resignation falls in the middle or end of the year, it's challenging to receive full Tet bonuses and the 13th-month salary. This is why job seekers who want to receive their full annual rewards often choose to change jobs after Tet.

- Third, the beginning of the year is the time when companies plan their recruitment for the whole year. Therefore, it is the most active period for the job market. This means job seekers have more opportunities to choose companies that fit them best.

Is it the right time for all candidates?

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Of course, not for everyone. Unless it's due to the attractive Tet bonus, the end of the year is also a good time to consider changing jobs if you have a better offer from a new employer.

Moreover, Aniday has a list of companies that provide sign-on bonuses for candidates who want to leave their current jobs before Tet. This allows recruiters to solve the problem of persuading job seekers when they have a need to switch jobs and are still waiting for their year-end bonuses. Check out the positions with sign-on bonuses on Aniday's website.

Leaving your job is not a small decision, especially when you are over 30 or have a family with financial concerns. But even at this time or any time, if you feel that you don't fit in with your management and colleagues, that you are not being recognized, and that your efforts are not valued in your current job, it is essential to consider finding a new workplace.

Ask yourself, "What will my future be like 2-3 years from now at this company?" If you can't see a clear path to promotion or professional growth, it's essential to think about moving on, regardless of the timing.

Ultimately, salary is a significant factor. You've been with a company for a long time, but your salary doesn't meet your expectations. You've made proposals, but they are still under "consideration," and the actual raise doesn't satisfy you. There are too many cultural issues at your workplace, making it difficult to integrate. In such cases, sticking around may not make much sense, regardless of the time of year.

You can choose to change jobs at the beginning of the year. You can also jump to a new job in a month like June or July, or even in September or October. However, the most critical thing to have when you start thinking about leaving your job is: What will you do next?

For most candidates, they find a new job before leaving their current one. However, some candidates want to use all their free time after quitting to start looking for new positions. But have they grasped the market recruitment trends well enough to choose the right time to jump jobs and the most suitable job for themselves?

This is where Aniday plays its role. Companies recruiting on Aniday are actively looking for candidates and have needs that match the market's shifting trends. Also, because it's a platform dedicated to headhunting, Aniday is always at the forefront in terms of response speed and predicting the latest recruitment trends with the most recent jobs suitable for candidates at all times of the year.

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