月額報酬15,000ドル以上の求人も多数。弊社のエージェントにご相談ください 登録 >
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5F KS Floor, Risona Kudan Building , Kudan Minami 1-5-6 , Chiyoda district, Tokyo, Japan
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2 vacancy


About US

With the desire to establish a world-recognized Vietnamese IT brand, after a period of time working in Japan, like-minded founders returned home to establish 2NF SOFTWARE. After a period of preparation, the main 2NF Software Co., Ltd. was established on April 17, 2012. Over 10 years of construction and development, 2NF SOFTWARE has built an international standard process, ensuring high quality with an affordable price. Therefore, 2NF Software has conquered customers in very demanding markets such as Japan, Korea, Germany, Australia, ... Moreover, through projects in many different fields, 2NF Software has fostered and created career development opportunities for many young and talented employees.


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