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The i-plus-plus - Recruitment agency27501

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We offer end-to-end services for leadership careers. Our mission is to help senior leaders make right career choices, and execute an optimum plan. A team of specialized coaches, expert mentors and Executive Search partners can help you realize your potential within or outside your current organization. Our services include: * Career Coaching: Not sure where to look, or how to start? We help identify suitable career options and next steps. * Leadership Placements: Most senior positions are not advertised on job portals or public platforms. We help you reach out to the right people, through our Executive search partners, and help you make the right first impression through resume services and social media advisory. * Interview Assistance: Interviews for leadership roles are quite different from those held for other positions. Our experts help you prepare for various management, technical, CXO and even board level discussions. * Performance Coaching: In a new job, or for that matter in your existing one, making a timely impact is crucial. And who better than a seasoned coach to support you in your growth story.



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