Talentstory - Recruitment agency25300

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Talentstory is a professional human capital services and talent sourcing firm that provides and delivers human capital solutions. Experienced Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the strategic HR and recruiting industry. Our services offers an extensive package that covers employee hiring & staffing, headhunting, learning development, Industrial relations advisory, HR shared services and employer branding. Talentstory have a team of trained with qualified practitioners and consultants to help you with all your human capital concerns. Following your business needs, we execute fast and sustainably to deliver and fulfil these needs. Talentstory engaging our efficient services to fill your urgent HR assignment, or attend to your enquiries immediately, you will achieve your business goals consistently and ease. Waste no more time and worry no more on cumbersome and mundane tasks. We take care of managing HR shared services and talent sourcing end-to-end, so you can simply focus on your business projections and keep your employees happy.



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