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SolutionTech HR - Recruitment agency27778

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SolutionTech HR is an executive search firm that comes with the value we add, hands-on research, implementation and delivery expertise into recruitment. We provide skilled and qualified resources for wide range of roles and functions across industry verticals. Hiring right people for your organisation is one of the most challenging tasks, and partnering with us will help you save time, cost on recruitment infrastructure and above all our industry proven selection methodology secure you from wrong hires. ​ We have a great team to help in panel with their knowledge and experience in TECHNICAL industry ​ We at SolutionTech HR are building a Hiring platform for Hiring people at Senior Level in startups and very aggressively growing companies. For every profile we require in depth understanding of the role not just the JD which i like Cultural Fit, IC role or generalised role, tech in which you want to hire.



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