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Infinity HR Consulting Pvt. Limited - Recruitment agency27722

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Like the advertisment says, we are different. Though neither the largest nor the second largest INFINITY HR CONSULTING PVT LTD, IS DEFINITELY in a position to take on assignments which establish credibility and trust. Client delight, prompt service and ethical modes are the vital ingredients which make an association with INFINITY HR CONSULTING, a profitable business partnership. With human resources being the key to organisation success, ethics and client confidentiality, are clearly etched tools in INFINITY'S sensitive search for qualified professionals. A regular process of updating our database, keeps the recruitment machinery well oiled. Inroads into- IT( SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE ) FINANCE AND MARKETING MARKETING HRD have further strengthened INFINITY'S faith in itself. Careful evaluation of client needs, company profile, background, future plans- are all part of the selection process. People who set trends, yet fit smoothly into the company's philosophy, are fast tracked down. No square pegs in round holes. Our methodology involves analysis of the job, in order to form a wider spectrum for choice of candidates. Executive search is one such tool in our quest to find the right candidate for you. Contact with reputed individuals from leading companies result in avoidance of lost opportunities and undue delays.



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