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Human Rise Consultant - Recruitment agency26321

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HR Consultant (Human Rise Consultant) is a full spectrum consulting firm with a focus on providing Executive search, Recruitment, Assessment, Training, Pay rolling/Temping and HR out sourcing to client organizations. Being a leading manpower consultant we the best understand your manpower requirements and provide targeted solutions with your best interests at heart. HR Consultant (Human Rise Consultant) is one of the most trusted providers of employment services in India and we are the first choice Recruitment Agency for every client. Our aim is to provide the best manpower recruitment services to the clients. Our dedicated team of professionals from different fields is working towards this objective. We lay special emphasis on the quality of output, we provide in terms of faster response time and to be specific to an organization goals. With constant increase in operations HR Consultant (Human Rise Consultant) facilitates organizations to acquire flexible and permanent workforce in order to enhance productivity, quality and helping the company to reduce employment related risk. Our Company’s mission is to extend and enhance human life by providing the jobs and forward their carrier to growth. We will make every effort to provide opportunity. We pledge to build and uphold the trust and goodwill that are the foundation of successful business



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