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GlobalWeSource - Recruitment agency25338

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GlobalWeSource was founded on the belief that the top leadership is the most critical factor in building a successful and lasting enterprise. We excel at identifying, assessing & recruiting world class executives into leadership roles for your firm. We want to be integral part of your long term growth strategy. We are also trustworthy partners to deliver the right talent for Board of Directors, CEO and Senior Executive Management roles. We are a leading executive search firm & services over 45% of the fortune 500 companies – Financial Services, Consulting, Consumer Goods, E-Commerce and Technology/IT sector. With mandates from across the world, we have built our position, one relationship at a time. With trust, solid relationships & agility acting as the primary fuels for its continued growth, we have immersed in newer specialty areas with panache. Our market intelligence acts as an enabler to stay ahead of the curve & provide clients with a severe competitive advantage. We are focused on service excellence and disciplined execution. With our offices in 6 locations (Pune, Delhi(N.C.R), Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Lucknow) & 85+ recruiters, we have closed over 5,000 renowned clients, with an offer to joining ratio of over 85%



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