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Career Inflections - Recruitment agency25981

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Andy Grove, Intel's co-founder, described an inflection point as "an event that changes the way we think and act."​ Inflection points are more significant than the small day-to-day progress that is made and the effects of the change are often well-known and widespread”. We at Career Inflections; chose to brand ourselves; based on the above metaphor. Career Inflections is a well known Executive Search firm focusing on Executive Search, Contingency Search & HR Outsourcing [HRO]. True to its name; this group aims to act as a catalyst in client’s hiring processes; thus complementing business growth. Career Inflections’ expertise in hiring across the levels within several industries coupled with the ease and speed of mandates fulfillment by the team has brought about this change. Similarly; taking advantage of Career Inflections’ portfolio of blue chip clients and prestigious mandates; candidates are also in a unique position to exploit the inflection point to take their career to the next level. Visit our website www.careerinflections.in to get to know us better.



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