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50+ Top Software Engineer For Hire In Australia in June 2024

Here are the top Software Engineer available for hire in Australia in June 2024


Darshit Jain

Software Engineer
location Australia

I am passionate about solving problems through technology and have a great proclivity for coding and working on project ideas that can create a real-life impact! I can quickly figure out how things work, integrate into a team, and start contributing. I am comfortable working in multiple codebases and languages and can quickly adapt to new tech stacks. I previously interned with Lummo (formerly BukuKas), where I worked with the Payments Service Backend Team creating SpringBoot-based REST API endpoints for services like Payments, Orders, Invoices, etc. I was the only intern offered a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO) based on exceptional performance during the internship. I have solid projects developed using Django, React JS, Chrome Extension, Docker, PostgreSQL, etc., deployed and used by 1000+ people! Check out some of them here: https://github.com/DarshitJain04 and https://github.com/devlup-labs/

Backend Developers Software Engineer Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers Mobile Developers NodeJS Developers ReactJS Developers

Truong The Phuong

Software Engineer
location Australia

I am a dedicated, organized and methodical individual. I have good interpersonal skills, am an excellent team worker and am keen and very willing to learn and develop new skills. I am reliable and dependable and often seek new responsibilities within a wide range of employment areas. I have an active and dynamic approach to work and getting things done. I am determined and decisive. I identify and develop opportunities.

IT Unity Developers PHP Developers Software Engineer Angular Developers Frontend Developers Java Developers

Lý Hán Cơ

Software Engineer
location Australia


IT Software Engineer .NET Developers Business Analyst

Sriram Subramaniam

Software Engineer
location Australia

SKILLS • HTML • Python • JavaScript • CSS • ReactJS • Flutter • Dart • Git • TailWind CSS • Metasploit • Ettercap • Wireshark • Nmap • Swift •

Software Engineer

Madumal Prashan

Software Engineer
location Australia

Lead Machine Learning Researcher and Developer/ Lead Machine Learning Data Scientist

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers Data scientist

Infante William

Software Engineer
location Australia

lead specialist/ Engineering Consultant (AI/ML)

Software Engineer Data engineer

Lee Jake

Software Engineer
location Australia

Senior Full Stack Developer

Software Engineer Frontend Developers

Arlene Cao

Software Engineer
location Australia

PowerBuilder, SQL, PL/SQL, Technical Support, Software Developer, SSRS,

Software Engineer

Tran Dac Trung

Software Engineer
location Australia

Over 12 years of experience in software development, meeting business needs in the highly technical and complex software development environment within constrained time frames, in which, served over 8 years hands-on experience in designing and implementing technical solutions for large scale flatform.

Software Engineer Management Technical Architect

Nguyen Huy Binh

Software Engineer
location Australia

Ứng viên có hơn 6 năm kinh nghiệm làm việc với Ruby, tiếng anh tốt, từng làm việc tại cả cty outsource và product

IT Unity Developers PHP Developers Software Engineer Frontend Developers Android Developers C, C++ Developers

Huge Nguyen

Software Engineer
location Australia

- During 12 years my working experiences including 7 YOEs working as Senior Full Stack Developer, 5 YOEs taking over high level roles such as Technical Leader, Solution Architecture and my main responsibilities are spending 50% for Coding, 30% for working as Solution Architecture, and 20% for Project Managements. -He is more passionate about Data structures, Algorithms, Aws Cloud Infrastructure. - Experiences in working onsite in Germany, Singapore to bring business and set up new teams in Viet Nam.

Software Engineer Blockchain Engineer


Software Engineer
location Australia

Onboard: 45 ngày Lương: 5000 gross Lý do thay đổi công việc: Muốn tìm môi trường làm việc thuộc lĩnh vực mình thích: giáo dục

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Tiến Lộc Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Data engineer Data scientist Data analyst

Phạm Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Văn Long Lê

Software Engineer
location Australia

- Have 1+ years of working experience as Android Developer. - Open job (fulltime): Android Developer, Flutter

IT Software Engineer Android Developers C, C++ Developers Java Developers

Hoàng Hiệp Bùi

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Golang Developers

Duyệt Đinh Sỹ

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Frontend Developers

Phu Sang Le

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Frontend Developers

Gia Bảo Đoàn Thái

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Wordpress Developers

Chí Linh Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Ruby on Rail Developers

Pham Manh Tuong

Software Engineer
location Australia

Passion with AI technology and aiming to develop in both knowledge and skills in AI.

Software Engineer Security Engineer

Nguyễn Việt Hùng

Software Engineer
location Australia

Target to become a good android developer in the near future

Software Engineer Android Developers

Tien Huy Huynh

Software Engineer
location Australia

- 10 years of practical experience in analyzing, architecture design embedded systems. - Expert in advising and providing technological solutions, especially the Internet of Things device. - Management and teamwork, self-management. - Solid background in embedded systems. - Have experience working with 8-bit and ARM Cortex microcontrollers. - Good English communication.

Software Engineer C, C++ Developers Embedded Developers Hardware Engineer

Nguyễn Trọng Tuấn

Software Engineer
location Australia

- Orientation: Embedded Software Developer working with embedded applications: IoT, networking, camera, AI,... - Improve skills, Accumulate more knowledge about embedded application. - Pursuing passion, willing to learn, updating new knowledge, accumulated experience to improve individual ability. - Supplement management skills and find opportunities to promotion.

Software Engineer C, C++ Developers Embedded Developers

Tang Van Quoc Chi

Software Engineer
location Australia

3 years of working experience as a Backend Developer, confident in using Python.

Software Engineer Python Developers

Huy Nguyen

Software Engineer
location Australia

Have 20+ years of working experience as Senior Developer. Can communicate in English

Software Engineer Angular Developers C, C++ Developers Java Developers Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers ReactJS Developers

Xuân Sang Ho

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Python Developers

Trường An Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

Good communication in English

Software Engineer Python Developers

Thế Bảo Võ

Software Engineer
location Australia

Good communication in English

Software Engineer Python Developers

Duy Dat Le

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer NodeJS Developers

Nguyen Nam

Software Engineer
location Australia

6 years experience with 4 years focus mobile and java backend English is Fluently (IELTS: 7.0 |)

Software Engineer

Hoang Duong

Software Engineer
location Australia

- soware engineer with more than 4 years of experience.

IT Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Dien Tuan Anh

Software Engineer
location Australia

Programming Language: Java, Golang, Python. Frameworks and libraries: Hibernate, Maven, J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring Core, EJB, JSF, Jasper, Stanford NLP, Go gin, Django, FastAPI, Sphinx, Solr, Rabbit MQ.

IT Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Trong Hieu Trinh

Software Engineer
location Australia

Good communiaction in English

Software Engineer Devops Engineer

Duc Bac Nguyen

Software Engineer
location Australia

- Good communication in English

Software Engineer .NET Developers

Phuong Quyen Nguyen

Software Engineer
location Australia

- Good communication in English

Software Engineer QA, QC, Tester

Phương Nguyễn Văn

Software Engineer
location Australia

- Good communication in English

Software Engineer Java Developers


Software Engineer
location Australia

- Good communication in English

Software Engineer QA, QC, Tester

Văn Tiến La

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Java Developers

Phi Khanh Lữ Hoàng

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

PHP Developers Software Engineer NodeJS Developers

Viên Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer QA, QC, Tester

Phương Trinh Nguyen

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Java Developers

Đức Trung Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Scrum Master

Đăng Quang Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Thế Vinh Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Cường Phạm

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Java Developers

Milind Labhe

Software Engineer
location Australia

good communication in English

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Ilya Isaev

Software Engineer
location Australia

- good communication in English

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Hữu Long Nguyễn

Software Engineer
location Australia

- good communication in English

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Loke Kah

Software Engineer
location Australia

- good experience

Software Engineer Chief Technology Officer (CTO)