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Nguyen Henry32898

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My Profile: I strongly believe every business decision today is shaped by technology and talent, which have power to transform the world. Continuing with a vision to be an influential recruitment consultant in IT & Telecom, I started up a business in 2015, serving clients across diverse technology sectors. I joined Robert Walters in 2012, being in charge of recruitment for senior and top management assignments. Before that, I worked for a Singaporean Executive Search Company, leading a team in Vietnam, delivering services to blue-chip companies across several key industries, including IT, Finance & Banking, and Manufacturing. I started career in the field of E-commerce as IT Consultant, providing consulting both technically and functionally to build up a system, that thousands of European businesses used to build up partners in Vietnam market. After that, I founded a consulting company, where the focus was on research and analysis, market entry strategy, and business development for companies in ASEAN countries. I am a graduate of MBA at James Cook University in Singapore, with major in Marketing. I got trained and certified at Harvard Business School in Boston USA for executive education. My favorite technology stacks: PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT, SELENIUM, ANACONDA, NLTK Throughout my career life, I have adhered to a set of principles: 1. Putting Trust First 2. Creating Value 3. Demonstrating Integrity 4. Striving for Excellence About Techspaces: TECHSPACES is a trusted recruitment firm, specializing in providing skilled professionals across technology sectors. Our core business is technology and recruitment, and we remain focused on this specific area of expertise.



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